What's the impact of the meeting ? @Simba, so we all want decades old kashmir issue to get solved after a meeting ? Opposition parties protest against farm bills: Genuine fight for farmers or vested political interests? He says, "...As a founding signatory of the UN Charter, India was part of that noble vision. Poland, which currently holds the Security Council's rotating presidency, has listed the Kashmir matter for discussion at 7:30pm IST. It is NOT A DISPUTED state. But didn't people die? A large number of people do not report to the commission as they have little faith in it. Prior to Lodhi's briefing, Chinese Ambassador to the United Nations Zhang Jun held a conference to discuss with the media China's stance on the issue. Migrant workers' deaths: Govt says it has no data. Just think about it. The PM stressed that while much has been achieved, the original mission remains incomplete. The UN Ambassador said that there was "an effort to stop this meeting from convening" but thanked all 15 members for agreeing to hold it. Wheels are already in motion. This meeting has reaffirmed the validity of the UNSC resolutions on the occupied state of Jammu and Kashmir. Not even formal condemnation of Indian actions? The brand is offering convenience and smart features for an immersive viewing experience. He said that the Security Council members "have expressed their serious concern" regarding the current situation in occupied Jammu and Kashmir. And China, the surveillance state that has put millions of its own Muslims in prison camps, talking about violation of human rights is just plain preposterous. okay so Kashmir was discussed. According to the relevant Security Council resolutions, the status of Kashmir is undecided and it is an internationally recognised dispute.". Great step taken by the government of Pakistan. Issue of Kashmir which has been there under scrutiny for the last 72 years. Modi has to be thanks for internationalizing the Kashmir issue ..... something that was sitting on the back burner for decades. kashmir never was and never will be a part of india. General Assembly, Seventy-fifth session: New York: 15 September - December. The role we have played is for the betterment of the region and the steps we have taken are for the mutual benefit of Pakistan and Afghanistan and for peace and stability. What is achieved here ? He congratulated the nation as new life had been breathed into an issue which was "thought of as dead". Do you have all facts and have all the information which discussed in UNSC? The memoirs are not a ‘selfie in book form’. It's a closed door meeting...nothing will be shared with public nor recorded or there will be any follow up action....unless, massive violence erupts in kashmir when schools and offices are opened next week, this issue is dead in UN.... we will always stand with Kashmir till our last drop. They are us and we are them. In the closed door meeting, briefings were given on the situation in the region. @YODA, u ppl like to do atrocities in kashmir and world should be silent on it. It's any body's guess as to what is outcome. He vowed that Pakistan will continue to stand by the Kashmiri people "to every extent". @YODA, Kashmir is not internal matter of India that is out come. @Simba, to keep quiet. He invited international human rights bodies to visit the portion of Kashmir within Pakistan. It seems like no outcome just a formality. There is widespread support, including by four of the five permanent members of the Security Council - US, UK, France and Russia - for a permanent seat for India at the Council. The minister said that the Foreign Office would further assess today's achievement in a meeting tomorrow and deliberate the next steps to take. @Superb, Hong Kong is LEGITIMATELY part of China. Executive Board of UN-Women, Second regular session* New York: 15 - 16 September. I wonder if they don't have any credible newspapers in India? @Javed, how you can say this is big win? Declaration we're adopting today acknowledges that work still needs to be done in preventing conflict, ensuring development, addressing climate change, reducing inequality: PM on 75th anniversary of UN pic.twitter.com/Wqi6GsMCYA, "Our working methods need to keep pace and adapt. Presenting China's standpoint, the ambassador said, "China holds the view that the issue of Kashmir is an issue that is left from history between India and Pakistan. Lynching people of minorities, and forced conversions, is a reality-check for people on both side of the fence. It's a land dispute which are only settled by might! indian oppression will end one day. We are 'one family', like it or not, and have different views on how to please the almighty. "We are grateful to China in also joining us in calling this meeting," she added. Extremists know how to appeal to their target audience. @Simba, Tomorrow you shall see what next. Please announce the result..entire Pakistan is waiting. UK, France are permanent members but not India which is soon to be the most populous country on the planet. "They are also concerned about the human rights situation there and also, it is the general view of the members that parties concerned should refrain from taking any unilateral action which might further aggravate the tension there," he said. Congratulations to Pakistan, people of Pakistan and to people of Jammu & Kashmir. @YODA, "Pakistan will always stand by them, extending full diplomatic and political support.". Pakistan's K-pop tribe keeps growing. Just eyewash. India was desperate that this meeting not take place and is now threatening Pakistan with a Nuclear attack. He paid tribute to all those who have advanced the cause of peace and development under the UN flag, including in UN peacekeeping missions, where India had been a leading contributor. @Ali kazmi, You are right sir but what was the outcome. "Our world today is a better place because of the United Nations," the prime minister said. Except China, all others US, UK and Russia backed India. By the majority of Indians click here it proves they are so concerned as they want to know true news as thier media houses will not tell them truth. India has the support of the world to do what it wants. The outcome will come in the next weeks and months. "Pakistan, like always, is committed to the peace process. This was a consultative meeting in closed doors. You can clearly see India’s anxiety in the comments!