When kids have access to safe water at home they can walk to school instead of walk to collect water. Please contact webmaster@savethewater.org for questions on the website. Expanding upon the success of WaterCredit, Water.org offers a portfolio of smart solutions that break down the financial barriers between people living in poverty and access to safe water and sanitation. Our solutions are working! She retrieved the water from a water pump managed by the government, which was running some days and shut off others. The people we serve are change agents capable of transforming their lives and communities. Our unique solutions are market-driven and adapt to the 13 countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America where we work. More than half of our total impact — 15 million people — was achieved in the past two years alone. Today more than 30 million people around the world can turn on a tap and safely use a toilet because small, affordable loans empowered them to get access to safe water and sanitation at home. For more than 25 years, with your help, we've been providing families with hope, health and the opportunity to break the cycle of poverty. For more than ten years, Charity Navigator has consistently rated Water.org in the top 10% of global charities for transparency and financial accountability. Millions of people who live in the countries where we work live on less than $3.20 a day and spend significant portions of their income to buy water. Her home sits above the city of Cusco in the Andes Mountain range at more than 2,000 feet from the center of town. Rehana’s family lives in a small village in India. That’s how every $1 we put into WaterCredit creates $67 worth of impact. Through Water.org’s partnership with her local bank, Rehana took out a small loan to construct a water connection on her property. Water.org offers a portfolio of smart solutions that break down the financial barriers between people living in poverty and access to safe water and sanitation. Like 25 million Brazilians, Maria lacked access to adequate sanitation in her home, where she lives and works and helps raise her granddaughter. We provide technical assistance, share best practices, and collaborate with stakeholders to develop, implement and scale effective solutions. Developed by STW™ Website Migration, Development & Design Team. For millions around the world, access to funds stands between them and safe water and sanitation in their home. Today her family continues to enjoy access to water at home. WaterCredit helps bring small loans to those who need access to affordable financing, and expert resources to make household water and toilet solutions a reality. While her husband worked and her children went to school, Rehana used to walk up to six hours a day to get water for cooking, laundry, and baths. We work with governments, sector institutions, and other partners at a systems-level to influence public policy and practice changes that increase the flow of capital for household water and sanitation solutions. A small, affordable loan helped Namulondo pay for a rain storage tank, providing her family with enough water for several months. Water makes time for school possible for kids in Rasulpur and around the world. We address this barrier head-on through access to small, easily repayable loans. Access to safe water at home directly helps families in need prepare and protect themselves from this pandemic, because they can wash their hands and don't have to leave their homes to collect water. You can help us put the power of water into the hands of millions of people. How the water crisis affects families in Brazil. Together with our 151 partners around the world, we've helped mobilize $2.4 billion in capital to support small loans that bring access to safe water and sanitation to millions of people in need. On the days it was unavailable, Rehana purchased water from a vendor. Water.org offers a portfolio of smart solutions that break down the financial barriers between people living in poverty and access to safe water and sanitation.