International Monetary Fund. African Dept. © 2020 International Monetary Fund. The Treaty came into force on 1 st August 1994, after ratification by the Member States. Please address any questions about this title to The West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) member countries have experienced growth acceleration since 2012. UEMOA is represented by a logo that symbolizes growth, union, solidarity and complementarity between the Coastal and Sahel States. IMF Members' Quotas and Voting Power, and Board of Governors, IMF Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, IMF Capacity Development Office in Thailand (CDOT), IMF Regional Office in Central America, Panama, and the Dominican Republic, Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP), Currency Composition of Official Foreign Exchange Reserves, West African Economic and Monetary Union and the IMF. The union was established on 28 May 1975, with the signing of the Treaty of Lagos, with its stated mission to promote economi… Use the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this PDF file. Publication Date: April 25, 2018 . The IMF Press Center is a password-protected site for working journalists. African Dept. Author/Editor: International Monetary Fund. Electronic Access: Free Download List of Country reports on the WAEMU: Page: [currentpage] of [maxpages] WAEMU member countries are working toward greater regional integration with unified external tariffs. Sign up to receive free e-mail notices when new series and/or country items are posted on the IMF website. Relative to an earlier reference period in the 1990s, the WAEMU’s recent strong growth has coincided with an increase in macroeconomic stability and investment, improvement in political institutions, improvement in the terms of trade, and increase in productivity. The Economic Community of West African States, also known as ECOWAS, is a regional political and economic union of fifteen countries located in West Africa. Free Download. On 2 nd May 1997, Guinea Bissau became the 8 th Member State of the Union. All rights reserved. West African Economic and Monetary Union (WAEMU) : Common Policies for Member Countries - Press Release; Staff Report; and Statement by the Executive Director for the WAEMU. Collectively, these countries comprise an area of 5,114,162 km2, and in 2015 had an estimated population of over 349 million.