The survey covers land ownership income, expense, debt, asset, demographic, <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> endobj Farm Equipment Content on 'The Tenure, Ownership and Transition of Agricultural Land' �֑m����9XH4 n'��u/�\�=�:�#�k�adh$�`�;@P�+�]R�6�s�B@U����[�m��r�8�p�B��`��g���A����@\�yؗ��am02nυ�4����7B��w� ��Πѧ��G@[J��5�d�&m|�j�"��?X~^S�?/;(��~lϨ.�z2�7E� ���3FKف?P�����mn��4��y����ʕ��ʕU�r����� Borchers, Allison, 2015. hޤXkxי��5#��8d���ɭm��6�m <> ��o|��G����*��ʕ'�U(d�+��d%*iaAr�.y�B�VI�;��B�. endobj National Agricultural Statistics Service U.S. Department of Agricultural Rm 5030, South Building 1400 Independence Ave., S.W. The Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey is a study of agricultural landowners—including non-operator landlords—conducted by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). %PDF-1.5 This makes it possible to study the long-term consequences of change and development in land tenure systems and agricultural productivity. endobj endstream endobj 35 0 obj <>stream Thousands of materials on agricultural risk management, marketing, financial management, and more. 3 0 obj x��\I��F��+B��s '��E�pD˲���4�@7j4AH���/�ZAT����E��Ԛ������p��՛���g��c�ٶ�x��E?z�����������ċۧO���Da*n�>�D�"��")�,�O?A�n 4 0 obj d':1�׈.��Ѫ�sd���m2O�U��{������?y��7-�^Qޠ�dO��Bm8�� �=O*���Y�R�=��r�l�r�%��&xv�2�|y���� �Q4A 0535-0240 $�L�c|�ȶ,ْ,�~�-��H���X ���b�$4&4iB�6��n�M�[7�u.��ݞ� ��f����3���}����; <> Succession was also one of the key focal points for the 2014 Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey , the results of which provided updated data on these issues. Washington, DC 20250-2000 Phone: 1-888-424-7828 Fax: 202-690-2090 E-mail: 2014 TENURE, OWNERSHIP, AND TRANSITION OF AGRICULTURAL LAND (TOTAL) OMB No. tr�_��Ж������0V[�g�jc�B�A!ab�%�p�}- It will cover land ownership income, debt, assets, demographic, and other landlord characteristics, as well as information on those renting the land. <>>> Traditional land tenure. 1 0 obj There is a great variety of modes of land ownership and tenure. The 2014 Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey collected data in the 48 contiguous states about farmers and ranchers who rent agricultural land to others, as well as about agricultural landlords who do not operate a farm or ranch. "Tenure, Ownership and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) Survey 2014: A New USDA, Economic Research Service/National Agricultural Statistics Service Data Product," Amber Waves:The Economics of Food, Farming, Natural Resources, and Rural America, United States Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, issue 10, pages 1-1, November. {�?�b/�)�3M��0�=�+���$�0�Ff�QV�X��iTE�[(`W�%�X��2�((cQ$ .��q�v˫x1ڕx�ey�,��0l��n��]�5�G�jj;�;��w��vw�[�W�J#k�'M�/{�� .垮�����k�O5m���#l�\�M�-���U����…� �������* "�����aw|lMe�8M�8s&b!,�����U#�9��{�$O�ٓ�u��\�x���ǘ��Y����Q쁯ā/�”I���a/�G�.�77o���_;T���g��/�Lj�g�� a*eF���J3}BS��]y*�M�/��|�FYPdַ'�e����?L��.hI^�f��_bC�,�rF>�Ag�xf�i�J࿴K@Ķ^V�ayW�]����_�G#��G���Q$�~�"c����6\��3xa�[C���1�ĭhz�gv�X���z>�7) 7�����^��q�lmZ� 0k��q7�u�� ~�����n���E�2Ғ���W�t>,�\/��߇� q?�{�O�/��?���O�|������O���_'�%t.�I&�*�rqh�>������_��Kʵ��KO��zcQN�[�A����Ҡ�%�0q��u Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land Methodology and Quality Measures ISSN: Released August 31, 2015, by the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS), Agricultural Statistics Board, United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey is a study of agricultural landowners—including non-operator landlords—conducted by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). 2 0 obj ��p��K�x����E������5XNhYӞX�Fl�ҮQ(�c����54Hh����/q{Bk9"7����`����8���N�� (KR ���Կc}��޼���. � �B�۞f�3�|�ٝ/lU�ڢ���_��B���+I��I��_[�N�ݫ�jM��o�}O The Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (TOTAL) survey is a study of agricultural landowners—including non-operator landlords—conducted by the USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) and the USDA Economic Research Service (ERS). The survey provides data about land ownership, income, expenses, debt, assets, landlord characteristics, and agricultural landowners’ land transfer plans. %���� stream If you are farmland owner, you may soon receive the Tenure, Ownership, and Transition of Agricultural Land (“TOTAL”) survey from the USDA.. TOTAL is, per the USDA, like the landowner version of the Census of Agriculture. Land tenure, succession and estate planning, and access to land for new and beginning farmers will be among the topics discussed in a session at USDA’s 2016 Agricultural Outlook Forum this month.