I would check this first. Ask a plumber now. Run the shower in the upstairs bathroom testing the performance while no other devices are using water in your home. All the other taps are mixers single type so you move lever from left to right to switch from hot to cold. One en-suite and one downstairs. The problem peaked last summer, disappeared and is now back again. Turn off cold water tap and remove your hand, the water … Just let me say that this encounter has been entirely professional and most helpful. return; It's in a bathroom on the the top floor of a 3 storey townhouse. The best way to do it then is (with 2 people) to connect a length of hose between your mains kitchen cold tap and the tap where there is no cold water, open the one tap where there is no water then open the mains tap. Did you shut off the cold feed to the heater before the repair? Was Eddie Van Halen's tongue cancer caused by metal guitar picks? Registered to work with Gas and High pressure hot water systems. Sometimes when you shut the water down to work on the system debris will relocate itself in some of the other fittings. Can a reduction of employer taxation lead to more equal income? Ballot Secrecy - is it a Voter's Privilege or a Voter's Obligation? Can you get to the balltap in the loft and see whether the float has stuck up in the air? If however the cold water tap on the adjacent si, When I flush either of the upstairs toilets, they make a loud "groaning" or "fog horn" noise. I've had a filter before the heater clog after shutting down the water and turning them back on. The flow of w. we have not enough water pressure to fill upstairs toilet and we can't use the shower either although we have got water pressure in the wash basin taps can you help? Are you a trade or supplier? I have an open vented hot water system. Pins by ball cocks seem to be fully, I need to change the washer on a dripping hot water tap. The water pressure from mains is fine. Weird part is the toilet tank still fills up, just takes a few hours to do so. Water pressure drops in well water home, stops completely for 5-10 minutes, then comes back full pressure, City replaced water meter, then bathroom sink pressure dropped, rusty water. $( "#local-search-error" ).hide(); Top Answer. experience as plumber, including full bathroom and kitchen installations. If there are no leaks turn it on full and count to ten. Use a bucket to catch the water. JustAnswer.com...has seen a spike since October in legal questions from readers about layoffs, unemployment and severance. In my house we cannot use two water. let me know how you get on. By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our, By continuing to use this site you consent to the use of cookies on your device as described in our, i have no water coming to upstairs taps but the cistern at the toilet is working fine there is no water filling in to the washing machine what is the problem?????? Swapping out our Syntax Highlighter, Low water pressure after turning main water back on. (Only been in house a month so still finding my way around things.). If it doesn't work on that tap go and try another tap a couple of times. The hot side is working fine. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. If there is still low pressure try to close and open the shutoff valve for that faucet (with the aerator still removed) to try to dislodge anything that might have gotten stuck in that valve but chances are it's the aerator. AP. They really helped put my nerves at ease. the water tanks are filling in the attic...the downstairs sink is working both hot and cold the toilets are also filling...but the upstairs sinks and showers are not working, Hi,I would need some advice on plumbing... We got a new washer dryer, so we had to disconnect the old one and install the new one - we turned the water supply off and then on again (24h difference).