Pompeo made an unusually vehement attack on France, Britain and Germany, accusing them of "siding with Iran's ayatollahs", and on 20 August announced the snapback. Egypt's foreign policy operates along a non-aligned level. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Egyptian President ... Egypt’s ability to hit targets across the petroleum crescent with airstrikes, and waiting to see what Turkey and its allies do in response. read. Turkish politicians even have a. Egypt unveils 59 ancient coffins in major archaeological find. With 45 days to go until the 3 November US presidential election, Trump could unveil those measures in his speech at the UN General Assembly on Tuesday. ( Log Out /  Barkey was especially concerned that if Turkey consolidates its position in Libya, its aggressive authoritarian ruler Recep Tayyip Erdogan might decide now is the best time to test his luck against the Greeks in a military confrontation over what Erodgan sees as the maritime portion of his rebuilt Ottoman Empire. Ed Giles/Getty Images News/Getty Images. The idea that an ultranationalist Israeli government might try to make Jordan watan badeel—the alternative homeland for the Palestinian people—rather than to allow an actual Palestinian state to form was once the fear mostly of the far-right in Jordan. Turkish politicians even have a name for the waters they covet: Mavi Vatan, which means “Blue Homeland.”. Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq are all likely to tread lightly regarding the policy stances of their Gulf allies. Is Washington deaf?". The modern Middle East remains an area without a clear balance of power, with extensive foreign intervention (including from the United States and Russia) and continuing struggles over power and influence. In mid-August, the United States suffered a resounding defeat at the UN Security Council when it tried to extend the embargo on conventional weapons being sent to Tehran, which was due to expire in October. SEPTEMBER 16, 2020. Excavations in Saqqara have in recent years unearthed troves of artefacts as well as mummified snakes, birds, scarab beetles and other animals. Since the find of the first 13 coffins was announced almost three weeks ago, more have been discovered in shafts at depths of up to 12 metres (40 feet). In a typical year, when regular air travel is permitted, thousands of Christians from all over the world fly to Israel to celebrate Sukkot and hold festive parades and events in Jerusalem. Curtis R. Ryan is a professor of political science at Appalachian State University. "The illegitimate initiatives and actions of the United States by definition cannot have international legal consequences for other countries," it said. “There is no justification for the repeated violent treatment against those who seek to eke out a living for their children,” said a Hamas statement. Among the targets would be Iran's "most nefarious arms organisations", about a dozen senior officials, scientists and experts from Iran's nuclear complex, members of a procurement network that supplies military-grade dual-use goods for Iran's missile programme, and several senior officials involved in Iran's ballistic missile program, the US official said. In 1989-90, the ACC member states planned to approach their Gulf neighbors as allies, not as opponents, and to form a kind of coordinated diplomatic front for greater economic aid, more favorable terms for labor migration and remittances, and—in Iraq’s case—for postwar reconstruction. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Egypt Turmoil. Christian leaders who were selected to be a part of this exclusive list conveyed their deep love and support to the State of Israel which stems from their faith. IAF President, Josh Reinstein said “Recognizing the heroic work of our Christian supporters is an important display of our gratitude towards them. Egypt and the UAE, meanwhile, retain close ties and, as noted above, have worked on the same side in the conflict in Libya. It has morphed into a direct military intervention. Israel Allies Caucus chairmen from around the world meet PM Netanyahu at the IAF. Egypt cannot ignore that Turkey’s military actions in Libya poses a threat, not just to its role but also to its stability,” editor-in-chief Ghassan Sharbel of the Saudi-owned Asharq Al Awsat asserted. The Trump Administration’s “peace plan” and its seemingly tone-deaf approach to the concerns of its Arab allies has only deepened Jordanians’ fears about where this is all ultimately going. Change ). Now it is much more a mainstream concern. Gilead’s remdesivir shaved five days off COVID-19 recovery time, reduced risk of death in some, One of the Best English Translations of the Quran Now Available Online, UK lauds PM Hasina’s leadership in tackling climate change. "We all clearly said in August that US claims to trigger #snapback are illegitimate. Given the divisions within the GCC, the new alignment is therefore also intended to provide Arab leadership in response to multiple regional challenges. Mon., July 20, 2020 timer 3 min. “We are very happy about this discovery,” said Mostafa Waziri, secretary-general of the Supreme Council of Antiquities. Pompeo had promised in his announcement that measures would be announced in the coming days against "violators" of the sanctions. "Today, the United States welcomes the return of virtually all previously terminated UN sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran," Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said in a statement. Speaking at the dedication of a new base over the weekend, Sisi told Egyptian military personnel they should be ready for combat missions beyond Egypt’s borders, pointedly including Libya as a theater where Egyptian national security interests are threatened. The Foreign relations of Egypt are the Egyptian government's external relations with the outside world. get the best of the algemeiner straight to your inbox! The National , United Arab Emirates (UAE) publication, on Thursday saw a deep rivalry between Egypt and Turkey playing out in Libya, with the Arab League unsurprisingly placing its bets on the Arab player in the game. Iran denounces 'reckless' US as Trump administration threatens consequences for violators, An anti-US mural on a Tehran building on 20 September 2020, when Washington unilaterally declared that UN sanctions against the Islamic republic were back in force (AFP), UN Security Council rejects US bid to extend arms embargo on Iran, How Trump is pushing to enforce 'UN' sanctions on Iran in spite of UN objections, Israel-UAE deal: Abu Dhabi's betrayal could spark a new cold war with Iran, Allies dismiss US announcement reimposing UN sanctions on Iran. Former politicians are also among the honorees, such Alan Clemmons, the former State Representative from South Carolina who sponsored the first anti-BDS legislation in the U.S and Mike Huckabee, the former Governor of Arkansas who ran for U.S President in 2016. The Gulf Arab states have attempted to fill the inter-Arab and regional void, trying to shift the centers of power. But President Donald Trump withdrew the US from the landmark accord in 2018, saying the deal, negotiated by his predecessor Barack Obama, was insufficient. Earlier meetings had taken place in March 2019 in Cairo and in September 2019 in New York City, on the sidelines of … But they also focused on themselves, pledging to work on food and water security, coordinate electricity grids and energy policy, expand trade and investment, and cooperate in their responses to the global COVID-19 pandemic. While all three countries have worries about being marginalized in regional politics, they also share one other unfortunate trait: all have economies beset by chronic crises and therefore are largely unsustainable, at least not without significant outside support. Egyptian military analysts say that if Turkey and its allied Libyan forces push beyond the Sirte-Jufra red line, they would be poised to control the “petroleum crescent” where much of Libya’s oil wealth resides. On Sunday, two permanent council members - France and the UK - issued a joint statement, along with non-permanent member Germany, saying that Pompeo's "purported notification" was "incapable of having any legal effect". In many ways, the Egyptian-Iraqi-Jordanian alignment is but the latest in a series of attempts to deal with major shifts in the region’s strategic balance. Russia's foreign ministry also said in a statement that Washington's statements lacked legal authority. "The entire world understands that these are a part of [the] next US election campaign, and they are ignoring the US's preposterous claims at the UN today. While officials in the Trump Administration talked of peace treaties breaking out across the Middle East, in reality the new series of 2020 accords amounted simply to normalization of ties between states that had not actually fought each other in war. Mexico and Canada are also considered strong allies of Israel. Virtually every other member of the Security Council disputes Washington's ability to execute this legal pirouette, and the council has not taken the measure any further. Some observers said Washington's latest announcement was counterproductive. He said the measures were back in effect from 8pm Washington time. The LNA laid siege to Tripoli, headquarters of the internationally-recognized Government of National Accord (GNA), for months until Turkish intervention helped to push the LNA back. Thirty years later, despite all that has changed, these remain key concerns. In sum, each sees itself as a different kind of buffer zone or frontline state in regional politics. However, they were not always allies. Barkey was especially concerned that if Turkey consolidates its position in Libya, its aggressive authoritarian ruler Recep Tayyip Erdogan might decide now is the best time to test his luck against the Greeks in a military confrontation over what Erodgan sees as the maritime portion of his rebuilt Ottoman Empire. Egypt, Jordan, and Iraq are all likely to tread lightly regarding the policy stances of their Gulf allies. For years now, it has been easier for dissident voices to criticize the Jordanian government itself, or key allies like the United States, than it has been to dare to condemn any Gulf ally of the Hashemite kingdom.