The course grade will be based on a series of short papers and active in-class engagement with the assigned materials. Students will be awarded three separate grades for their clinical quarter, each reflecting four units. This class will explore the evolving role of cities in advancing sustainability from the lens of law, policy, planning, and governance. Each session will be devoted to presentations of one or two student works-in-progress. (Formerly Law 727) Concerns about the quality of health care, along with concerns about its cost and accessibility, are the focal points of American health policy. © 2020-21 Stanford University. [54], Law schools in the Southwestern United States. Topics include the impact of race, gender, and class on the quality of justice; the institutional strengths and weaknesses of the actors in the system; prison conditions and prison reform; and the ethical issues that confront prosecutors and defense lawyers. Elements used in grading: Attendance and class participation. Taught by two practicing lawyers, the class introduces students from any background to the interactions between local, state, and federal environmental law as they apply to critical policy issues. Students now receive one of four grades: honors, pass, restricted credit, or no credit. After the term begins, students (max 5) accepted into the course can transfer from section (01) into section (02), which meets the R requirement, with consent of the instructor. First, we will look at the water challenges facing Cape Town, including (a) the supply limitations that led the city to warn in 2018 of a "Day Zero" when it would be forced to turn off everyone's taps and (b) the ongoing water equity issues facing the region's impoverished townships such as Khayelitsha. Section 1 and 2 students will both receive grades for attendance, in class participation and guest-speaker questions. LAW 918. LAW 3004. An opportunity for third-year students to engage in original research and to prepare a substantial written-work product on the scale of a law review article. 3 Units. We especially welcome applications from students in the law, public policy, political science, and design disciplines, and from those with strong writing and editing skills. The student must consult with the instructor on the paper's topic, scope and format. Even though those who suffer the most are located in the developing world, many of the policies, economic opportunities, and legal actions that offer the biggest potential for global poverty alleviation are made in the United States. Advanced students will also continue to participate in the Clinic's discussion of cases during case rounds. But these efforts are imperfect and incomplete and have been subject to vigorous debate and criticism over both the details of their approach and their ultimate efficacy. Social Justice Impact Litigation: Issues and Strategies. This seminar on selected issues in search and seizure for criminal lawyers will enhance your future clinic experience. Before class, students will see a series of films or television shows relating to law, lawyers, and the legal system. ), and a Doctor of the Science of Law (J.S.D.). What Good Samaritan laws (which eliminate liability for interveners) and Bad Samaritan laws (which penalize non-intervention) exist, how could they be improved, and how do they vary per type of crime, crisis, or jurisdiction? What are the origins of the human rights movement and where is it headed? An In-School exam will be given at the conclusion of Deals II. In the clinic seminar and in regular supervision, students are encouraged to interrogate the effectiveness of the legal system at delivering "justice" for their clients and to explore creative ways that legal knowledge can be deployed to attack the social problems attendant to low wages, substandard and unstable housing, and other features of low-income life in Silicon Valley. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and submit a Consent Application Form available on the SLS website (Click Courses at the bottom of the homepage and then click Consent of Instructor Forms). Elements used in grading include attendance and participation, problem sets, small writing assignments, and a final paper. The six students enrolled in the Criminal Prosecution Clinic advocate before the San Jose Superior Court under the guidance of Santa Clara County prosecutors. Next come the ratification debates, including readings from antifederalist writers, The Federalist, and speeches in ratification conventions. The assigned text is Michael Asimow & Shannon Mader, "Law & Popular Culture: A Course Book" (Peter Lang, 2d edition, 2013). Class performance will be evaluated based on class participation, an in-class presentation, and weekly reflection papers of 3-5 pages each week for most of our topics. Keeping in mind the time limitations of this course, we will briefly examine most of these of law and policy -- the governing legal doctrines and policies, their evolution since 2009, and their present and future prospects. The goals of the class include developing a designer's mindset for strategic preparation and client counseling on both facts and law, and tactical adjustments to changing scenarios; ethical responsibilities; deeper analysis and work on the persuasive elements (oral and written) of negotiation; coalition formation and management; improved tactical skills, methods of questioning, response control and, ultimately, improved confidence and competence. Elements used in grading: Class participation (20%), and a 60 minute oral business plan presentation with accompanying slide deck and written materials (80%). LAW 906B. This discussion seminar will meet four times during the Fall quarter. This practicum continues for two quarters - winter and spring. Is law -- and most particularly the judge-made law we (over?) Shell Nigeria builds hospitals and schools in the Niger Delta. Advanced Supreme Court Litigation Clinic. LAW 1066. Two years later the companies agree to drop their litigation outside the US and focus their resources on their US litigation battle. CONSENT APPLICATION: To apply for this course, students must complete and submit a Consent Application Form available on the SLS website (Click Courses at the bottom of the homepage and then click Consent of Instructor Forms). Health Research and Policy (HRP). 2 Units. Modern Crosscurrents in Energy and Environmental Law. Yet it is also a means by which political communities protect themselves, pursue collective interests, and defend their rights. Elements used in grading: attendance, participation in both the negotiations and the debriefings, thorough and meaningful preparation, and all other assigned work. We will take a close look at the Alibaba IPO . This course teaches skills and bodies of knowledge relevant to these roles, covering topics such as designing, implementing, scaling, and evaluating social strategies; systems thinking; decision making under risk; psychological biases that adversely affect people's decisions; and methods for influencing behavior. Topics to be addressed will include basic contract anatomy, common clause ambiguities, structuring for readable "flow", and drafting-for-negotiation techniques. Class discussions will focus on the strategy for, and progress of, the negotiations; collective evaluation of the class's preparation for, and performance in, the negotiations; and the substantive legal, business and policy matters that impact on the negotiations. Psychological Development: Myth, Law, and Practice. We'll close with a reading of Antigone, focusing on the relationship between the individual and the state, and the gendered nature of justice. We will consider, for example, the forced disappearance of 43 students in September 2014 (Ayotzinapa) in at least one session. 3 Units. The class will meet the first six weeks of Autumn Quarter. We will also discuss ongoing reporting requirements and other implications of being a non-US public company. Advanced Youth and Education Advocacy Clinic. During each of these additional sessions, students will watch a film involving a wrongful conviction and will engage in conversation about the particular case involved. Cross-listed with International Policy (INTLPOL 352). LAW 914. In this policy lab, students will work with two clients. Students taking the course for R credit can take the course for either 2 or 3 units, depending on paper length. Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Attendance, Written Assignments, Final Paper. This seminar will consider these and related questions, focusing on new forms of networked production, the new landscape of security and scarcity, and the meaning of human nature and ecology in an era of rapid technological change. Consent Application for Non-Law Students: We will try to accommodate all students interested in the course. No prerequisites but professor permission will take into account relevant background. Discussion (1L): Comparative Approaches to Law and Inequality. 4 Units. Meeting dates and times to be arranged by instructor. Lawyers are increasingly asked to advise clients with global operations: Twitter reacts to free speech limitations in Turkey, governments around the world regulate Facebook's user data, Nike weighs the legal risk from factory fires in Bangladesh, investors consider spending billions in China without legal protections common elsewhere, companies worry about the consequences of being complicit in human rights violations, governments threaten to expropriate intellectual and real property, and US litigators face court rulings abroad that may conflict with the orders of US courts. LAW 1047. Business, Social Responsibility, and Human Rights. The class is open to first-year Law School students in Winter Quarter. LAW 8021. The Law School at Stanford University has an application deadline of Feb. 1. Is she a political actor, or is she instead looking for a rule of decision that has been previously established by law (a "mere translator" of the law, in Justice Frankfurter's words). From the petty bribery that is essential for people to gain access to basic needs, to the sophisticated structure that is the mainstay of organized crime, corruption embodies an enormous range of different practices. California We will answer these and many other questions by looking at court cases, legal theory, and philosophy. Elements used in grading: Class participation, attendance and paper(s). Grading is pursuant to the H/P system. Public-interest litigation is often an uphill battle.