Search organization by TIN (INN) (Taxpayer identification number): Search . Separate names for salts and esters derived from this procedure are not published. The KudoZ network provides a framework for translators and others to assist each other with translations or explanations of terms and short phrases. INN code of a private person has 12 digits: In general, INN of private individuas are not available to the public. Its lower course forms part of the German-Austrian border. The selection of a new INN relies on a strict procedure. (or are passionate about them). Corporate records of Russian companies are available at For example, levothyroxine sodium was published as an INN and levothyroxine may thus be referred to as an INNM. Any of various houses in London providing lodging for students. As long as the objection exists, WHO will not publish it as a recommended INN. I think it’ll be reasonable to give brief and simple answer in a short article. The INN is a unique number, meaning that no two individuals or entities have the same INN. Inn definition is - an establishment for the lodging and entertaining of travelers. Updated July 2020. Fragments of Leaked Archive of Diplomatic Cables (2018), Present & Future of Intellectual Services, 5 Most Common Diseases of Private Intelligence, Géza Andreas von Geyr – Designated German Ambassador to Moscow, New Citizens of Malta (2015-2017). The final stage of the selection process is the recommended INN. The latter are called modified INN (INNM). It is also the policy of the INN programme not to select names for those substances that have a long history of use for medical purposes under well-established names such as those of alkaloids (e.g. Examples: NFL, Two lists of proposed INN are published yearly. Their use is normally required by national or, as in the case of the European Community, by international legislation. Before the existence of this rule, some INN were published for salts. This is reflected in the following extract from the Fifth Report of the WHO Expert Committee on the Use of Essential Drugs which met in November 1991 : "The procedure for selecting INNs allows manufacturers to contest names that are either identical or similar to their licensed trade-marks. In such cases, the term "modified INN" may also be used for a base or acid. OGRN Each legal person in Russia has its unique OGRN. Feedback, The World's most comprehensive professionally edited abbreviations and acronyms database, Institute for Neurology and Neurosurgery (New York), Instituto Nacional de Normalización (Chile), Internal Network Number Indicator (routing), Institut National de Nanotechnologie (French: National Institute for Nanotechnology; Canada), Innsbruck, Austria - Kranebitten (Airport Code). A nonproprietary name is also known as a generic name. Similarly, inclusion of elements from biochemical nomenclature (like ?feron from interferon, or ?leukin from interleukin) in trade marks in anticipation is discouraged since these elements are likely to be utilized as stems within the INN nomenclature. Once a name has been published as a recommended INN it will not normally be modified further and is ready for use in labelling, publications, on drug information. To find out more about SA WEST capabilities in Russia please see our case studies in Russia. Copyright © 1999-2020 - All rights reserved. The use of INN is already common in research and clinical documentation, while their importance is growing further due to expanding use of generic names for pharmaceutical products. Some countries have defined the minimum size of characters in which the generic nonproprietary name must be printed under the trade-mark labelling and advertising. You can use INN of the individual to conduct corporate records search and check his outstanding debts. When the creation of an INNM would require the use of a long or inconvenient name for the radical part of the INNM, the INN programme will select a short name for such a radical (for example, mesilate for methanesulfonate).