Before you look for a hotel and make a reservation, you want to ensure the hotel will meet your budget and your needs. Getting burned with a hotel room is arguably worse because not only do you have to live there, the better deals are staring you right in the face, because they're probably the next hotel over. Then book your hotel reservations over the phone, being sure to ask what the cancellation policy is first. Write down the reservations number you are given and put it in a safe place. How to Book a Hotel Room. Think about your required accommodations during your stay. 1. My phone number is 626-555-1739. But unfortunately the hotel is fully occupied and no room is available. Start counting the days till you leave! All we need now is a phone number. To avoid this situation, use some of the following tips on how best to book a hotel room. Script 2 – Unsuccessful Hotel Room Reservation Conversation in English. I'm Michelle, at your service. B: No problem at all. A: Certainly. Carefully look at their dialogues: Background: The reservation official of Hotel PQR is talking over telephone to a guest who wants to book a room. B: Hi, Mr. Sandals. You ... 2. Determine your budget. B: Thank you, Mr. Sandals. Like what you hear? We look forward to seeing you in New York! 2. Repeat A: Hi there, I want to reserve a hotel room. Could I have your full name, please? Do you require enough room for a … A: Sure, John Sandals. Ask the reservationist to email your confirmation number and directions or a hotel brochure if needed.