Protein ice cream is one of the greatest tools in the healthy eating toolbox. Try adding Walden Farms caramel, marshmallow, or … Whether you have the world’s worst sweet tooth (me), have high protein goals that are difficult to reach without protein powder (me), or want to save money by avoiding the fancy healthy ice cream products (also me), making your own protein ice cream is the way to go. Try adding Walden Farms caramel, marshmallow, or chocolate syrup, or even Walden Farms raspberry or strawberry jam. If you want to enjoy a frozen treat while continuing to lose weight then we have the perfect recipe! This is an Ideal Protein™ Ice Cream recipe that you won’t believe you can eat while losing weight! 2 droppers of the sweet leaf stevia extract for sweetness (like chocolate, hazelnut, toffee, orange, berry, or even peppermint) Place all above ingredients in order in a blender and mix very well. Next, add two cups of plain Greek yogurt in. Place all above ingredients in order in a blender and mix very well. Making the ice cream is super easy as well. 1 packet of Ideal Protein ™ chocolate or vanilla pudding. 1 Ideal Protein ™ chocolate or vanilla ready-made drink, 1 packet of Ideal Protein ™ chocolate or vanilla pudding, 2 droppers of the sweet leaf stevia extract for sweetness (like chocolate, hazelnut, toffee, orange, berry, or even peppermint). Give it a try and let us know how it turns out. It’s Seriously the Best Protein Ice Cream Ever. When paired with the protein powder, the Greek yogurt loads up the protein content, adding You can start by adding ⅓ cup of vanilla flavored protein powder into a food processor. Add the mixture to an ice cream maker & 20 minutes later… VOILA… you’ve got ice cream. Add the mixture to an ice cream maker & 20 minutes later… VOILA… you’ve got ice cream.