-Tom Peters It is different from job enlargement. What is Corporate Finance? A well-trained employee who has worked with your organization for a certain length of time gains organization specific skills and gathers valuable, and maybe, sensitive information about you. https://studymoose.com/job-enrichment-essay. According to Fein, job enrichment is less important for blue-collar workers. Job enrichment, first of all, is the process of improving employee satisfaction with employees ... https://study.com/academy/lesson/job-enrichment-definition-advantages-disadvantages-examples.html. A successful organization utilizes all the types of management. Hospitality sector is an integral part to tourism industry. Having an efficient and effective supply chain is a prerequisite to maintain the quality of product, as well as the process when we talk about food industry. Nowadays the concept is more one of people enrichment, although this still owes much to Herzberg's original work. The hotel industry is a part of the wider hospitality or service sector. Personal Narrative Essay: A Trip To The High Country? ”,” How are the principles of job enrichment applied in this case?”, “What were the outcomes of job enrichment in the HIS Departments?”, and “What was the impact of job enrichment on motivation and communication in the HIS Departments?” There are certain cases however where job enrichment can lead to a decrease in productivity, especially when the employees have not been trained properly. In addition employees’perceptions about the work condition and the uncomfortable environment create a negative attitude for themselves and for the organization. Origin. A properly planned and carried job rotation process plays an essential role in strengthening the position of an organization and helps it deal with uncertain and tentative outer environment. From a business perspective, this is important because satisfied employees are generally more productive and more loyal – a financial gain and a financial saving (of replacing them) for the ... https://www.cleverism.com/job-enrichment-definition-benefits-tips/. Thus the directors and the managers should regularly check the job aligning with the department functioning. Job enrichment means additional motivators added to the job so that it (job) is more rewarding, although the term has come to be applied to any effort to humanize jobs. More decision making capabilities helps the employee develop leadership qualities. March 31, 2020 . A theory is an abstract thought but based on principles verifiable by experiment or observation. Posted: (2 days ago) Job enlargement aims at broadening one’s job in order to make the job more motivating. A good example of this is the movie Lean on Me, starring Morgan Freeman as Joe Clark, the protagonist of the movie. Herzberg stated seven principles that can be used to enrich a position. According to research, children who participate in regular physical activities are more likely to have an active lifestyle in adulthood. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Job_enrichment. These outcomes are highly evaluated by employees https://www.managementstudyguide.com/importance-of-job-rotation-enrichment-and-enlargement.htm.