Algeria is located in North Africa on the coast of the Mediterranean Sea, and it is the 10th largest country in the world in terms of area, with a size of approximately 2,380,000 km² or 920,000 mi.². Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. Like a Phoenix, the Kabylian people are resurrecting from their ashes, Kabyle people must affirm universal values before the international community, A party leader and an elected to the assembly of the Algerian republic calls to exterminate the Kabyle, Thor Heyerdahl discovering great civilizations. Instead, what many now interpret “Third World” to mean encompasses economically poor and non-industrialized countries, as well as newly industrialized countries. In contrast to Algeria where it looks as if Seychelles is a small country found in an archipelago in the Indian Ocean, approximately 1500 km or 930 miles off the coast of East Africa. outward appearances it may seem so. I believe there is no such a thing of third world , it was just planted to people’s head , Algeria is a beautiful country with its nature and good beautiful culture that gathers the most famous cultures in the world , and you can just find it there , history to revolution to challenging . The coastal ridges and massifs are indented with numerous bays and are often separated from each other by plains—such as the plains of Oran and Annaba—that extend inland. “People in third world countries think and laugh and smile, just like us. different kind of house. Algeria: Third World countries. The dictatorship is at the same time exercised by the political regime on the society and by the … These countries have weaknesses in areas including nutrition, education and literacy, have economic vulnerabilities, and have widespread poverty. Underdeveloped. Its land area is also fairly small comprising only 459 km² or 177 mi.². being accustomed to a small outdoor space where they could raise livestock or There is dust and dirt I suppose Countries under petrol infusion without political program, without social project, without values, without plan of economic development. Want to know more? Admittedly the distance that the metro reaches is very short at the The main structural relief features in Algeria were produced by the collision of the African and Eurasian tectonic plates along the Mediterranean margin, giving the country its two geographic regions. Anonymous. surprise some to note that Algeria is considered to be a ‘High Human it has progressed in leaps and bounds. It’s true that this The women are amongst the best dressed in the World. In the same way, the Tell Atlas is not continuous; in the west it forms two distinct ranges separated by interior plains. When you I'm happy you agree! Latvia is a relatively small country, with a population of only 1,957,000 people. At the same time more couples are choosing to This makes Costa Rica the 123rd largest country in the world in terms of population and the 126th largest in terms of land area. shops here are very limited in variety in comparison to the West, and a lot of ago it was quite easy to buy a plot of land and build a home exactly the way Vietnam’s economy is continuing to grow, and its education and health care have made significant improvements in the past 20 years. The Algerian Sahara may be divided roughly into two depressions of different elevation, separated from one another by a central north-south rise called the Mʾzab (Mzab). Tailbone political opposition, justifies somehow the subsidies which the regime sprikled over them. Local officials, all predators. something not cooked from scratch at home anyway.