Most recently, he was distinguished by the President of Korea with the Gwangwha Medal for Diplomatic Service, and also received a recognition to his longstanding contribution to the development of public administration in Mexico, the Medalla al Mérito Administrativo Internacional “Gustavo Martínez Cabañas”, awarded by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública (INAP). Even that milder outlook, however, called the outbreak the greatest threat to the economy since the 2008 financial crisis. Plenary In 2007, Mr. Gurría was the first recipient of the Globalist of the Year Award of the Canadian International Council to honour his efforts as a global citizen to promote trans-nationalism, inclusiveness and a global consciousness. The series will address the unprecedented challenges brought globally and regionally by the pandemic, as well as the various responses to the crisis across sectors and stakeholders. A bar sits closed in the early evening in the Brooklyn borough of New York City, March 16, 2020, during the coronavirus outbreak. His op-ed comes as businesses across the world have been forced to come to a halt as governments work to stop the spread of the outbreak. As a past BRAVO Business Awards honoree (2017 Legacy Award), Gurría also talked about the importance of leadership in times of crisis: “We cannot wish for a better post-COVID world; we’re going to have to build it.” When asked if he could give one piece of advice, he said that cooperation and “mutually reinforcing measures and exchange of experiences” are key. Twitter We develop resources for students and educators interested in exploring new economic thinking. Event With the BRAVO Leadership Conversation, COA launches the 2020 COA Symposium and BRAVO Virtual Series: Leadership and Transformation in Times of Crisis to continue to provide access to leadership and to promote collaboration among industry leaders at a time when it is more necessary than ever. June 18, 2020 — Angel Gurría, secretary general of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), participated Thursday in Council of the Americas’ (COA) inaugural BRAVO Leadership Conversation of the new virtual series, Leadership and Transformation in Times of Crisis. We develop research that challenges economic orthodoxy and serves society. As the health crisis increasingly becomes a financial one as well, U.S. financial markets have shed approximately one-third of their value in just weeks, despite aggressive action from the Federal Reserve. "In our global world, many issues cannot be dealt with anymore within domestic boundaries, be it a virus, trade, migration, environmental damages or terrorism," he said. "More than one third of OECD households are financially insecure, meaning they would fall into poverty if they had to forgo three months of their income," he wrote. By Terry McKinley and Francis Cripps, The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ Versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’, The EU’s Green Deal: Bismarck’s ‘What Is Possible’ versus Thunberg’s ‘What Is Imperative’ in the Age of Covid-19, The Right to Energy & Carbon Tax: A Game Changer in India, The Bogus Paper that Gutted Workers’ Rights, Unstable Capital Flows Threaten Emerging Economies, President, Institute for New Economic Thinking.