imagine how markets and innovations will change over the year ahead. Great leaders are always looking ahead, looking to see how markets, technology and consumer behavior will shift over time. How are consumers' needs and desires changing? Four trends, in particular, are reshaping the world of business. Impact 50: Investors Seeking Profit — And Pushing For Change. Copyright © 2020 Entrepreneur Media, Inc. All rights reserved. The obvious place to focus is on the driving technology, yet don't lose sight on the new opportunities created by passengers no longer needing to focus on driving. Related: 13 Expert Tips to Increase Online Conversions in 2020. Here's a list of a few technology segments that will likely dominate 2020 from an innovation, adoption or infrastructure standpoint. What should you do with this information? My company,, is an online resource for over 100,000 female entrepreneurs. We’ve seen companies and products like Cyfe and Tableau (who had a massive IPO) create central business-intelligence platforms with APIs and integrations that continue to push the tech pace. Lastly, anticipate what new solutions will be possible and determine how to build now for that future. If you are an entrepreneur, you know how competitive the business world can be. Demand on server infrastructure continues to increase as more and more devices are connected to the internet and each other. 59 percent of Gen Z respondents said they use their YouTube app a lot more than they did a year prior, 13 Expert Tips to Increase Online Conversions in 2020, Omer Khan, founder and CEO of VividTech told, global e-commerce is expected to reach around $5 trillion, as reported by Statista, 5 Marketing Experts Share Trends to Jump On, As the demand for diverse payment methods grows, Trump Says He Will Not Participate in Virtual Debate With Biden, Ocean Spray Seized Its Viral Marketing Moment Like It Makes Its Juice: Naturally, New Survey Finds Nearly Half of Small-Business Owners Don't See a Need for Physical Stores (Infographic), Lenovo and Ava DuVernay Unveil VR Film Series on Empowering Women, 1 Million Married Women Lost Their Jobs Last Month Due to Back-to-School Season. This is the most obvious inclusion for a reason: AI is everywhere. Take these emerging trends into consideration as you move forward into the uncertain business landscape we are now facing. My company,, is an online resource for over 100,000 female entrepreneurs. Major acquisitions, and the fact that hardware is now ubiquitous, has led to a slow-down in innovation in the Smart Home industry. Spotify, for one, uses artificial intelligence to make the listening experience more personal by creating customized sessions for each user. The sheer industry size and growth potential is drawing the focus on car companies and technology providers. New technologies can help save retail. Working together for the common good with There are various marketing methods available to get into connection with the more and more potential customer of the products or services, a concern is … Take TikTok, the mobile-centric video platform that has experienced crazy growth in the past few years. If you run an e-commerce brand that sells physical products, few issues are more important than shipping and logistics. Many of those are on the cloud, so look for a shift to edge computing. Jumpstart Your Business. Expect to see AI-driven solutions continue to receive massive focus in fundraising, acquisitions and competition over talent. Beyond Meat, maker of plant-based proteins, has increased its stock prices by more than three times since its IPO launch. A great leader also embraces the reality that things are always changing. Sure, everyone's talking about 5G, and big companies are still involved in Smart Home, yet there are few exciting storylines to watch this year. The world has certainly slowed down lately, leaving a lot of business owners either scrambling or strategizing. This book takes readers through a 360-degree perspective of social media marketing in businesses. Investors see this, and are flocking to startups that provide platforms for artificial intelligence, computer vision and machine learning. Competition for new customers is always fierce, and adapting to the changing consumer market can be crucial for the success of any business. A lot of entrepreneurs are solopreneurs leaving them to be head chef and dishwasher. One thing is certain: this industry will be an annual top technology trend for the foreseeable future. Be mindful of how you plan to ship products to your customers. From social apps to machine learning, a handful of buzzing innovations with no signs of slowing down. As they utilize machine learning to better respond to customer requests, these interactions become even more efficient.” Through the smart use of technology, business and consumers will all benefit. Entrepreneur Insider is your all-access pass to the skills, experts, and network you need to get your business off the ground—or take it to the next level. In the coming four years, global e-commerce is expected to reach around $5 trillion, as reported by Statista, causing many retailers to move investments from brick-and-mortar storefronts to online stores. For the third year in a row, we have put together a list of the hot topic issues facing environmental practitioners Canada and beyond. In traditional finance, we're seeing a shift in power toward individual investor empowerment. Brick and mortar businesses who have put off taking their offerings online, now have been forced to do so if they want to keep the doors open. They even created a state-of-the-art warehouse that can ship out orders faster. As a startup, we had to get scrappy in order to hit our goals and make an impact. According to Retail Touch Points, 88% of online shoppers are “wiling to pay for same-day (or faster) delivery services.” Of course, charging too much for same-day delivery could also backfire. I write about female entrepreneurship and how to brand yourself. Having experts to guide your business through this ever-changing financial maze will be crucial moving forward. The general trend in the economy, though, is an effort to reduce such emissions. 3. When we started asking for the impossible and getting the green light, I knew we had stumbled on something magical - something I call 'Unreasonable Requests.' Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Implementing such tools can be a major time-saver. The emergence of these tide-shifting business trends redefines the way business is conducted and profits are realized. Give your customers more ways to “no-touch” pay, and you’ll be more likely to earn their business. Fashion Nova has utilized the power of online shopping with only a small handful of physical locations, leveraging social media to generate hundreds of millions in sales. With that in mind, here are five unique trends that are expected to drive business growth in the coming year and beyond. It is essential to know what your customers are demanding and where they are spending their dollars. Download a free business plan template and follow Chic CEO on Twitter and Instagram. 4 Business Trends Emerging From COVID-19 | Stephanie Burns, 1. Related: 5 Marketing Experts Share Trends to Jump On. Sixth generation movement to power 4th industrial revolution faster cheaper better. Even smaller uses of AI and algorithms can improve the user experience in nearly all industries. As more specialized retailers appear on the market, there seems to be no limit to what can be sold online. We’ll get through this! According to a recent VidMob survey, “59 percent of Gen Z respondents said they use their YouTube app a lot more than they did a year prior,” showing that this market is just getting started. San Francisco based startup, B8ta, has proven that technology can create a new shopping experience. Ecological Ethical Environmental Economics Educational Everyday. And as they age and make up more of the consumer market, companies must do their best to relate by moving their marketing to a digital platform.