This CSS style can be used to color your paragraphs black because the hex code #000000 translates to black. You can try to run the following code to set the background color in HTML −. When browsing online you may often come across websites with colorful background, represented by an animated, graphic, plain-color wallpaper, or even a whole image. You can change the text color using inline style sheets, embedded style sheets, or external style sheets. Change the background color to Red. For this example, you need to have an HTML document to see the CSS changes and a separate CSS file that's attached to that document. You can do this because in the shorthand version, each digit represents two digits. Just keep in mind, the usage of style attribute overrides any style set globally. An internal style sheet, which are styles written directly in the "head" of your document, are generally only used for small, one-page websites. If you need web hosting, check them out. Similar to the RGBA model, the HSLA model allows you to specify alpha transparency. Place the color property in the style followed by a colon, like p { color: }. Within that