Enjoyable coming of age story in the conservative early '90s Montana. Normally, I always prefer the book. It's a piece written by an author with a very mature writing style and an intimate understanding of the craft of atmospherics and character building. But just as that starts to seem like a real possibility, Aunt Ruth takes drastic action to “fix” her niece, bringing Cam face-to-face with the cost of denying her true self—even if she’s not quite sure who that is. If I were still a teenager, The Miseducation of Cameron Post is the kind of book I would have willingly traded my old, dusty, lifeline of a PC in for. Veuillez renouveler votre requête plus tard. "The acerbic coming-of-age movie is adapted from Emily M. Danforth's novel, and stars Chloë Grace Moretz as a lesbian teen who is sent to a gay conversion therapy center after she gets caught having sex with her friend on prom night.". I really hope she doe, Danforth said that it was originally like, twice as long, and she still has the whole second half, and could release it someday. I feel like I've been waiting for this book for forever and it is finally, finally, finally here and it was perfect. © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. ou ses filiales. “Maybe I still haven't become me. Such a wonderfully well written book. Commenté au Royaume-Uni le 23 février 2019. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. Life floats by smoothly enough in her small Southern town until Cam meets Coley Taylor, a fierce, beautiful, and sup. Danforth's writing style is so visceral and impactful. Who am I kidding, I'm sure little has changed in the past thirty years in Montana except maybe that conversion camps are now illegal. She and Cam forge an unexpected and intense friendship, one that seems to leave room for something more to emerge. In comparison, the book is quite "chatty". I've never been to Montana. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Guide for Selecting Anti-Bias Children’s Books, American Indians in Children’s Literature, Freedom Reads: Episode 6 – Rainbow Weaver / Tejedora del arcoíris, Freedom Reads: Episode 5 – Just a Minute: A Trickster Tale and Counting Book. She has an MFA in fiction from the University of Montana and a PhD in creative writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. What with the fact in the author's note: "She lives with her wife bla bla bla". NO. Trouver tous les livres, en savoir plus sur l'auteur. But just as that starts to seem like a real possibility, Aunt Ruth takes drastic action to “fix” her niece, bringing Cam face-to-face with the cost of denying her true self—even if she’s not quite sure who that is.Don't miss this raw and powerful own voices debut, the basis for the award-winning film starring Chloë Grace Moretz. Be the first to share your thoughts on this title. But just as that starts to seem like a real possibility, ultrareligious Aunt Ruth takes drastic action to "fix" her niece, bringing Cam face-to-face with the cost of denying her true self—even if she's not quite sure who that is. It's a story of a girl dealing with the loss of her parents while on the brink of womanhood, and it is told beautifully, honestly, and lovingly. In this case, I really enjoyed the things that "were not said" in the movie - the actors were able to convey with facial expressions and their body language what they dared not say out loud. Sadly really disappointed with this one. She has an MFA in fiction from the University of Montana and a PhD in English from the University of Nebraska–Lincoln. Nombre de pages de l'édition imprimée  Tout d'abord le premier livre est arrivé endommagé et Amazon a tout de suite répondu à ma demande d'échange en m'envoyant tout simplement un autre exemplaire. Wow. It will remain unfinished. When the romantic relationship she develops with her best friend is discovered she is sent to a conversion camp. Jusqu'au 31 décembre, la livraison est GRATUITE sans minimum d'achats (0,01€ pour les livres, articles Panier Plus exclus). First of all: every girl she became friends with were queer. I'm a bookseller and I was hoping that this might be the contemporary title to hand to girls instead of (or in addition to) My Most Excellent Year or Will Grayson, Will Grayson, both of which are wonderful novels that feature boys who come out. Relief that they would never know she had just kissed a girl a few hours earlier. The writing is beautifully nostalgic and really transports you to Montana in summertime. The Miseducation of Cameron Post takes place that same year, and features a sweetly rousing scene in which Chloë Grace Moretz — as the titular Cameron — conducts an impassioned sing-along to that same song. J'ai quitté les personnages à regret et j'aurai aimé les suivre dans leur découverte du monde : "beyond rather than below". : Classement des meilleures ventes d'Amazon : Comment les évaluations sont-elles calculées ? ISBN10: 0062020579 But just as that starts to seem like a real possibility, Aunt Ruth takes drastic action to “fix” her niece, bringing Cam face-to-face with the cost of denying her true self—even if she’s not quite sure who that is. Since I've been wanting to read this book for so long, I've done so. Sad but wonderful, and so so important. The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a stunning and provocative literary debut that was named to numerous best of the year lists. Merci d’essayer à nouveau. Log in. This has been sitting in my pile since a big book haul soon after I’d watched the movie in the cinema. [Cameron Post is a teenager growing up in a small town in Montana in the early 90s. A compelling, yet in some ways, flawed novel. Nous utilisons des cookies et des outils similaires pour faciliter vos achats, fournir nos services, pour comprendre comment les clients utilisent nos services afin de pouvoir apporter des améliorations, et pour présenter des annonces. She lives with her wife and two terrible dogs in Rhode Island. She is a normal teenager, that is, until she has the audacity to kiss her best friend Coley. Une erreur est survenue. I read, with great patience, a quarter through this before putting the book away. Beautiful, pickup-driving Coley is a perfect cowgirl with the perfect boyfriend to match. ", I feel like I've been there but thank god I really haven't. She and Cam forge an unexpected and intense friendship, one that seems to leave room for something more to emerge. Désolé, un problème s'est produit lors de l'enregistrement de vos préférences en matière de cookies. The attempt at a sensitive and ruminative coming of age story just feels plodding and tedious. Because it was so REAL and OBVIOUS to me! Pour calculer l'évaluation globale en nombre d'étoiles et la répartition en pourcentage par étoile, nous n'utilisons pas une moyenne simple. I realized that Cameron had become such a real figure to me, that it was all the more troubling to see way, 'God's Promise Christian Discipleship Program' started to impact her. Cameron Post is a young girl who on the day of her parents death is kissing another girl. The acclaimed book behind the 2018 Sundance Grand Jury Prize-winning movie, "LGBTQ cinema is out in force at Sundance Film Festival," proclaimed USA Today. I sympathized with Cameron Post, the protagonist of this book, quickly. When her parents die in a car accident, Cameron's first thought isn't horror, or denial, or anger. Raw, honest, and exposed, demonstrating the emotional abuse of trying to "fix the gay" or "pray the gay away," Danforth gives a voice to the silenced, and to the aches and joys of being a queer youth. If the author had cut out fully half of the rambling, going-nowhere storylines and spent that energy developing the characters more, it would have been much better. In the beginning I was enjoying it, but for some reason I just started getting bored and felt like the story was dragging. Les membres Amazon Prime bénéficient de livraisons gratuites illimitées toute l'année. When Cameron Post’s parents die suddenly in a car crash, her shocking first thought is relief. Envoyer sur votre Kindle ou un autre appareil. And boy, oh boy, does it read. She knows that from this point on, her life will forever be different. Pour signaler une violation de droits d'auteur. The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a stunning and unforgettable literary debut about discovering who you are and finding the courage to live life according to your own rules. The Book Thief: The life-affirming number one international bestseller, Lies We Tell Ourselves: Winner of the 2016 Inaugural Amnesty Honour, ★ “Rich with detail and emotion, a sophisticated read for teens and adults alike.” (. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. But that relief doesn't last, and Cam is forced to move in with her conservative aunt Ruth and her well-intentioned but hopelessly old-fashioned grandmother. I actually have no clue where it is, beyond broadly within the US. Pour obtenir l'appli gratuite, saisissez votre numéro de téléphone mobile. Her aunt Ruth, an evangelical Christian, moves in as Cam's guardian. Cameron Post feels a mix of guilt and relief when her parents die in a car accident. Ce livre contient-il un contenu inapproprié ? Not my favorite ending. Eventually, someone's bound to catch on. Sadly really disappointed with this one. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. When her parents die in a car accident, Cameron's first thought isn't horror, or denial, or anger. Like how? This was epic, and I haven't read anything like it...ever. Relief that they would never know that hours earlier she had been kissing a girl. It's a piece written by an author with a very mature writing style and an intimate understanding of the craft of atmospherics and character building. Cet article dispose d’une quantité maximum de commande. Vous écoutez un extrait de l'édition audio Audible. So much is crammed into this book! Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Relief they'll never know that, hours earlier, she had been kissing a girl. Relief they’ll never know that, hours earlier, she had been kissing a girl. Après avoir consulté un produit, regardez ici pour revenir simplement sur les pages qui vous intéressent. Your email address will not be published. When Cameron Post’s parents die suddenly in a car crash, her shocking first thought is relief. At the end I had the feeling there should be more. If I were still a teenager, The Miseducation of Cameron Post is the kind of book I would have willingly traded my old, dusty, lifeline of a PC in for. Choisissez parmi 20 000 points retrait en France et en Belgique, incluant points relais et consignes automatiques Amazon Lockers, Sélectionnez cette adresse lors de votre commande, Acheter les articles sélectionnés ensemble, Livraison à EUR 0,01 sur les livres et gratuite dès EUR 25 d'achats sur tout autre article. © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. ou ses filiales. Danforth's writing style is so visceral and impactful. In this case, I really enjoyed the things that "were not said" in the movie - the actors were able to convey with facial expressions and their body language what they dared not say out loud. Ces promotions seront appliquées à cet article : Certaines promotions sont cumulables avec d'autres offres promotionnelles, d'autres non. And boy, oh boy, does it read. 商品詳細ページを閲覧すると、ここに履歴が表示されます。チェックした商品詳細ページに簡単に戻る事が出来ます。, © 1996-2020, Amazon.com, Inc. or its affiliates. The Miseducation of Cameron Post is a 2018 British-American drama film directed by Desiree Akhavan and written by Akhavan and Cecilia Frugiuele, based on the 2012 novel by Emily M. Danforth.It stars Chloë Grace Moretz, John Gallagher Jr., Sasha Lane, Forrest Goodluck, Marin Ireland, Owen Campbell, Kerry Butler, Quinn Shephard, Emily Skeggs, Melanie Ehrlich, and Jennifer Ehle.