Other events have also been held at the house, including a music concert organised by Creative Saint Helena in October 2016 (right). The incoming Crown Governor George Middlemore appears to have re-occupied Plantation House so presumably by then the drains had been fixed. Plantation House: The official country residence of His Excellency the Governor of the Island, situated at a distance of about three and a quarter miles from James Town, in the Western division of the Island. As the Upper South of the Chesapeake Bay colonies developed first, historians of the antebellum South defined planters as those who held 20 enslaved people. and other interior decorations, may have given rise to the house's name. EMAIL. Sun streams in through the gauzy white curtains, casting a golden glow around the space. of Mr. and Mrs. Clark Thompson. The new sharecropping method kept many plantations going, but the days of extravagance were over. Kaitlyn’s Art Project Auction #3 Plantation Rum history — OUR STORY — ALEXANDRE GABRIEL : KNOWLEDGE - PASSION - COMMITMENT. [7], Most historical research has focused on the main houses of plantations, primarily because they were the most likely to survive and usually the most elaborate structures in the complex. Sienna Scoop uses cookies to improve site performance, functionality and enhance user experience. Presumably one of the staff was not aware of the extra guest, wrote Vince. Originally mostly endemic Gumwood, most of these were cut down for firewood by the end of the 17th Century. [15], Another house type, the Creole cottage, came from the areas along the Gulf Coast and its associated rivers that were formerly part of New France. San Francisco Plantation House, a National Historic Landmark, is located on Highway 44, off River Road, three miles upriver from Reserve. President and major stockholder of a railroad that served 12 plantations, he produced millions of pounds of sugar, hundreds of bales of cotton and thousands of bricks each year, shipping them by rail to Houston and Galveston. Living most of my time in smoggy London, he says, the chance to lie on my back staring at the stars all night was too good an opportunity to miss. Required fields are marked *. [9], Rough vernacular architecture for early plantations was also true in Arkansas and Missouri although in their river regions, and in the southern portion of what became the state of Louisiana, the plantations reflected French Colonial architectural types, often with Spanish influences, well after the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. [1] The majority of slaveholders held 10 or fewer enslaved people, often to labor domestically. Captured by Leland Kent of Abandoned Southeast, the early 20th-century property changed hands multiple times before being purchased by a certain Mr John McCown in 1967. McCown would have once paced the boards of this terrace, perhaps contemplating his next move as he surveyed the property’s extensive grounds. Whilst his abandoned house slowly crumbles and disintegrates, his legacy lives on. The current dining room will seat 25 guests, but Governor Lowe often dined no less than 60. San Francisco was originally preserved by the efforts San Francisco Plantation House, a National Historic Landmark, is The yellow walk can also be joined at Scotland. By 1860, this land was known as the Waters Plantation and included more than 6,500 acres dedicated to cultivating sugar cane, cotton and other crops. The wings projecting at back incorporate the various alterations. Repairs took some years, being completed in 1931. Step outside onto the veranda and it’s almost impossible to see the surrounding land. Shirley Plantation. People remembered it in the 1960s. In the American South, antebellum plantations were centered on a "plantation house," the residence of the owner, where important business was conducted. [2] Robert Fogel and Stanley Engerman define large planters as owning over 50 enslaved people, and medium planters as owning between 16 and 50 enslaved humans. Slavery and plantations had different characteristics in different regions of the South. Waters was known throughout Texas for the empire he built on thousands of acres of productive land. The Chinese ‘Joss House’{12} can be seen in some (middle front). SHARE . He knows that a great cognac, a superior rum, is above all … The name also reflects the rich alluvial soil of the area, the color of sienna. There apparently used to be a ‘Prince of Orange’ Room, after the 1838 visit of Prince William Henry Frederick of Holland, but nobody now knows which room that was. A common feature of plantation-style houses, they were designed to offer shade in the summer and create a cool outdoor seating area.