O le sini o lenei faamoemoe ina ia mafai ona tuputupu a'e tatou fanau iti ma iloa lo tatou gagana ae maise le faitau ma le tusitusi faasamoa. The Matou Samoan Language Courses come with the Matou Mobile application for iPhone, iPad, and Android. fa'aapogāleveleve adj. Easy? We recently launched the Samoan language, and to help you get started here are 12 Samoan words you should know.Â, Fa’a Samoa means “the Samoan way” and it's used to share that family is important, elders are to be respected, and that one should do their part or duty. This is the story of Noah, who is commanded by God to build an ark that will save him and his family - and whole bunch of animals - from a great flood that will cover the entire earth. Tuiomatagi Iofi Samoan Language Nest, San Diego. Learn Samoan words for describing a very cute little girl reading on her bed. The Samoan 'Ava Ceremony is an important tradition in Samoa. It can even include adopted family. fa'a-pref. A direct Samoan-English translator for various words, phrases and short texts. Fa’amatai is the traditional form of government in Samoa in which matai - the holders of family chief titles - participate in order to look after their families. This website is currently under construction, but you’re welcome to look around while we’re building. For example, the 'proper'... Tamaiti Samoana is a great resource for anyone learning the Samoan language…or it will be, soon! Samoan Words to Know pepe [AUDIO]... Children Laughing in a Circle. Learn about Matariki through fun kids’ activities. Below we picked 70% of the most commonly used words. Hannacho Lutu-LeiSam June 20, 2019 at 10:15 AM. While you're at it, get in some practice with colours and a few action words. When this dance is performed, the men wear lavalava, a traditional skirt made from a rectangular cloth, and they cover their skin with coconut oil because the slapping can leave marks. This cloth has largely been replaced by cotton and other textiles, but it is still worn during celebrations and ceremonies such as weddings. This is the smarter way of online learning. The fa’ataupati is a dance performed by Samoan men. Samoan Vocabulary. The Samoan vocabulary is the backbone for learning. We start with commonly used numbers. Also, pick up some Samoan words to describe a living room - like window and couch - and then learn how to ask and answer the question: 'why'. ‘Ie toga are made from pandanus leaves, or lauÊ»ie in Samoan. It should be fully operational – with all the placeholders filled and the all the audio/video uploaded – by the end of September 2020… and then it’s a sprint to get our first product released to you on Black Friday, 27 November 2020. It has a light purple hue and both the root and leaves are used in different dishes. It is decorated with rubbing, stamping, smoking, and dyeing. Faamalo atu fo'i i lou galue malosi aua le aoaiina o tatou fanau! Matariki activity book. Also, pick up some Samoan words to describe a living room - like window and couch - and then learn how to ask and answer the question: 'why'.