In 2011-2014, 6 in 10 youth (63%) and 5 in 10 adults (49%) drank a sugar-sweetened beverage on a given day. If any country has a soda problem, it’s the United States. All sugars, no matter what their name, are carbohydrates and provide people with energy. Choose whole grains instead of refined, or “white”, carbohydrates. The Coca-Cola Company offers over 500 brands and 3,500 beverages in over 200 countries and territories. Finland reports consuming 91.5 grams on average. There is no breakdown on whether or not people consider an energy drink as being a soda or being a separate beverage, however, so the statistics on soda consumption may have a certain bias to them. Many Americans reach for fast, processed foods when hungry because they are readily available. What can be done to decrease sugar intake? Australians take in 95.6 grams of sugar every day which is almost 4 times the maximum recommendation set by the WHO. Mexico also ranks number 1 in adult obesity. Consumption and Sales Soft drinks offer a wide variety of flavours, formats and packaging, with something to suit every drinking occasion. No- and low-calorie drinks now account for up to 30% of sales in many European markets and enable people to refresh themselves without any sugar or calories. The report, published in the medical journal The Lancet, shows that sales of sugary drinks in the US have declined since 2000, when the country occupied the top spot. Despite its connection to obesity (and other potential health risks), soda still remains a popular beverage in the U.S., particularly among some demographic groups, according to a new report. A map of soda consumption in 80 countries. The people of the US consume more sugar than any other country in the world. This is a list of countries ordered by annual per capita consumption of beer.Information not provided for some countries is not given in the available sources. Our thirst for soda is so great that public-health advocates want to tax it and New York City wants to limit serving sizes. Sugar is more than a sweetener for coffee or tea. On average, U.S. youth consume 143 calories from SSBs and … Slate is published by The Slate Group, a Graham Holdings Company. Each country across the globe has its own trends when it comes to caffeine consumption by the population. This is very similar to Germany, as both countries share a love of sweets. The table below lists OECD countries by the annual consumption of pure alcohol in litres, per person, aged 15 years old and over, as published in the 2013 OECD Health Data. The following is a list of the top ten sugar consuming countries in the world. These processed foods are full of hidden sugars like high fructose corn syrup. In the Netherlands, the third in sugar consumption, people eat or drink 102.5 grams of sugar daily. In Germany, the intake is reduced but still does not fall under suggested guidelines. The recommended limit for the daily dose of sugar for improved health is around 11 grams, or roughly no more than 5% of daily calorie intake. First, drink water. All contents © However, the amount still exceeds the recommended levels. This country weighs in at a whopping 92.5 grams of sugar per person and with such a close proximity to the US, the result is not too surprising. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), this number should never exceed 25 grams. Number 4 on the list is Ireland whose residents consume 96.7 grams of sugar daily. All rights reserved. Americans are the biggest cola cravers in the world, by a long shot. This country is just slightly more than Canada, number 10 on the list, where residents eat or drink 89.1 grams of sugar daily. So you can choose what column to rank by clicking its header to sort it. The United Kingdom consumes less sugar than its other European counterparts. Reducing sugar is a lifestyle change, and taking these steps will help prevent future health problems. Number 8 on the list is Mexico. This country is just slightly more than Canada, number 10 on the list, where residents eat or drink 89.1 grams of sugar daily. The Coca-Cola Company is an American multinational corporation founded in 1892, and is the world’s largest non-alcoholic beverage manufacturer and distributor company. By Dan Check, Matt Dodson, and Chris Kirk . Belgium, with their delicious chocolates, comes in at number 6 with a daily consumption of 95 grams of sugar daily. 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on sugar-sweetened beverage consumption in 23 states. The United States doesn’t even make the list of the top 8 countries for caffeine consumption. Note that the methodology to convert alcoholic drinks to pure alcohol may differ across countries. Avoid processed foods with more than 22.5 total sugars per 100 grams. The topic of sugar consumption is an important factor in public health. Whole grains take longer for the body to break down and do not increase blood sugar levels as quickly as processed carbohydrates.