To rate names on Nameberry, please register for an account or log in to an existing account. The name was the name of a gypsy girl who was borne as Agnes and later named as Esmeralda as she wore the jewel around her neck. Gypsy Abbott, American silent film actress. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion I guess. This melodious name means “pleasantness” and is made popular by Naomie Barri, an actress. Gypsy is a racist slur!!!! You all should be ashamed. Not ETHNIC SLURS. She told stories of these people going door-to-door, asking for items (usually food). Duke is also an English rank. I think the name should still be on the database, but the description needs to call this name out on being an ethnic slur. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | Family & Parenting. Ironic note- my grandmother's family also emigrated from Northern India (just like the Roma) and then immigrated to the United States from Bohemia (a former country with a lot of Roma). Mercy is a popular virtue name for girls. Roma gypsies are from the northern region of the Indian subcontinent and now residing in Europe and America. We're excited that you have an opinion about the name Gypsy. Name MatchMaker to find the perfect baby name for you! The name has German origin and is compiled by using words ‘megin’ meaning “strength” and ‘win’ meaning “friend”. The name gained popularity due to Nan Joyce, an Irish Travellers’ rights activist. In fact, they SHOULD. I've contacted NB and suggested they change it. You have a lovely name Gypsy Rose. PETITION TO BAN THIS RACIST SLUR FROM THE DATABASE!!!!! Esmeralda is a perfect name for Gypsy girl. This free spirit is prone to follow an unconventional career path. The Romany are one of the most oppressed groups in all of Europe. "Gypsys, Tramps & Thieves," song performed by Cher. She is fiercely independent. The Irish gypsy travellers are from Ireland. So naming your little boy with a gypsy name ensures he will stand out in the crowd and his name will be unique like his personality. The word was originally a corruption of Egyptian, as they were once thought to have come from Egypt rather than India. Gypsies are liked and desired for their free and nomadic lifestyle. Gipsee. This Gypsy boy’s name is known as the name of King of Gypsies, Bartley Gorman. This cute name is a derivation of Romany. The name is also associated with Florence, an Italian city. My daughters also called Gypsy and I’m gobsmacked at the comments on here and you all talk about ignorance !! Be aware, however, that the word gypsy is now considered an ethnic slur when used for the Romani, or Roma, people. The name is derived from pagan magician s veduny meaning “the knowing ones”. The name is a variation of Romani word “danior” meaning teeth. What are her siblings named? Hey, come on now. How Much Does It Cost to Raise a Child in the... Vaping While Pregnant – Impact on Mom & Baby, 16 Best Babymoon Destinations for You & Your Better Half. You will find it hard to lock her down. The name features in the book “The Host” and gained popularity. . The phrase "exotic charm" in particular is deplorable. Their carefree and vibrant life is envied by many. This bold boy’s name is a popular name in history. accepts no liability for any errors, omissions or misrepresentations. You also acknowledge that owing to the limited nature of communication possible on interactive elements on the site, any assistance, or response you receive is provided by the author alone. Sure of herself, kind, very sweet, she always stands up for herself. The name of Romany origins means “I awake”. White Europeans believed that the emigrating Romani were from Egypt, which is why they called them g*ypsies, it does not refer to actual Egyptians. This sassy name is a variation of Rose and is the name of an Australian flower and even a variety of Australian cockatoos. That way, people interested in the name will be able to look it up here and see what a racist name it is, and hopefully choose not to use it. The name was also in “No country for old men” as the name of a prominent character. There are two groups of gypsies, Roma Gypsies and Irish travellers. From the English word for the nomadic people who originated in Northern India (Romany). The name is perfect for a Gypsy girl. Gypsie, If you didn't find an alternative name that you like better than Gypsy, try our name generator. This elegant name is the variation of Aethelind. If someone is looking for the "bohemian" feel then there are other wonderful names out there. This is a ubiquitous name in the Romany Gypsy culture. . The name is associated with Greek mythology, where it is associated with the dominant figure who to meet his beloved Hero, swam across the Hellespont. Jipsi, The name is associated with Theodosia Burr Goodman, an American actress. Esmeralda is a perfect name for Gypsy girl. Please add to or correct the information provided by other members of the Nameberry community. This name is of Romani origin and is the variation of Louis meaning “renowned warrior”. This elegant Gypsy girls name is the variation of Russian name Vadim. It's just as vile as n****r! You will receive an email (no more than once per day) summarizing any new mentions of Gypsy on Nameberry. The free and vibrant gypsy lifestyle, is always attractive to people. It is understandable why so many parents now want to keep a gypsy name for their little ones. Here are some of the amazing Romany gypsy girl names and Irish gypsy names. So it’s no surprise that in recent years, many parents want to name their baby girl or boy with a Gypsy name. This stylish moniker has a deep Puritan meaning, making it perfect for a beautiful and virtuous girl. She is rooted in who she is but not in where she is. The story behind the name is eh if being one of the earlier "strippers", but if you appreciate the musical Gypsy its an okay name, and isn't that bad. Be aware, however, that the word gypsy is now considered an ethnic slur when used for the Romani, or Roma, people. She shouldn't have to feel ashamed about it, and I can understand how she would be a bit defensive. The name gained prominence due to Margaret Barry, Irish travellers and singer. Try the The name has its origin in the Bible. I always just called her Gee instead. The name refers to the Roman Tree God, Silvanus. The name which is a variation of Queen is a popular Gypsy girl’s name.