2018. } [1], They were first used in Northern Ireland in 1971 as part of Operation Demetrius – the mass arrest and internment (imprisonment without trial) of people suspected of involvement with the Irish Republican Army (IRA). [9] In other words, they lied. [2] Id. States using the sort of interrogation methods like these ‘techniques’ must not be allowed to take comfort from today’s ruling. 20/03/2018. Other documents uncovered by PFC, NUI Galway & RTE (as outlined in RTE's Torture Files documentary broadcasted in June 2014) showed that the 'use of torture' was sanctioned at a ministerial level, and that the British government went to great lengths to hide it information from various UK inquiries, the European Commission and the European Court of Human Rights. [18], On 2 December 2014, the Minister for Foreign Affairs and Trade, Charles Flanagan TD announced that the Irish Government had asked European Court of Human Rights to revise its judgment,[19] following evidence uncovered by an RTÉ documentary called The Torture Files. Permissions [9] The Torture Files, supra note 2, at 16:00. It emerges from the Commission's establishment of the facts that the techniques consisted of: These were referred to by the court as the five techniques. [20] One thing is certain—if the five interrogation techniques constituted torture in 1978, they also constituted torture in 2001 and beyond.[21]. 0. It also marks the start of the Christmas festive period. Committee on the Administration of Justice. [13] The Commission stated that it at ¶ 15. However, we will continue to stand strong in defence of the universal and unconditional prohibition of torture and other ill-treatment.”. Indeed, the Court expressly refers to later case law showing how its torture interpretation expanded since this 1978 judgment, including by assessing its long-term effects on victims. Christmas Day is an occasion for Christians to celebrate the Jesus Christ's birth. We are quite confident what was done to these men would be deemed as torture by the Court in today’s terms if this case were heard afresh. His testimony was inconsistent with what he had been privately advising the British government in the report. See also The Torture Files, RTÉ News, at 9:20 (June 4, 2014), https://www.rte.ie/news/ player/prime-time-web/2014/0604/. For uses beyond those covered by law or the Creative Commons license, permission to reuse should be sought directly from the copyright owner listed in the About pages. In 1976, the European Commission of Human Rights ruled that the five techniques amounted to torture. Grainne Teggart: 07928 042315: grainne.teggart@amnesty.org.uk, Laurie Hanna: 0207 033 1549: laurie.hanna@amnesty.org.uk, Out of hours: 07721 398984: www.amnesty.org.uk, Amnesty International is the world’s leading human rights organisation with more than seven million supporters worldwide. Only Parliament can alter the law. 2014). Ct. H.R. [5] Even after the ECtHR decision, one particular question still remained: who ordered that the five techniques were to be used? Ct. H.R. 5310/71, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Five_techniques&oldid=948686143, Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, European Court of Human Rights cases involving the United Kingdom, European Court of Human Rights cases involving Ireland, European Court of Human Rights interstate cases, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License.