The Upper School offers 22 courses in music, theater and the studio arts. %���� New families will be given access to the Parent Portal in the beginning of April. %PDF-1.7 Advisors, grade level deans and learning specialists are eager to help you learn how to handle any academic conversations as this will be a skill you will utilize in college and beyond. Curt Landon, Co-Coordinator Paula Jones, Co-Coordinator 2 d Victoria St. Ivy Lane DROPPING OFF / PICKING UP STUDENTS: Student drop off and pick up is on the north side of the school by the Performing Arts Center (PAC): STUDENT SIGN-IN / ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES: In my Science Class, look in "Files" to see all of the lessons, handouts, and lab materials for this course. Copyright © 2002-2020 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. Lunch is included in the cost of tuition. The day starts with community time at 8:05 a.m., which can be a meeting with your advisor, an Upper School assembly, or study hall. The purpose of this student handbook is to give you a guideline to assist you in making your year at Landon successful. With small class sizes (the average is 14 boys), you will get to know your classmates well once school does begin. endobj The clerk may be contacted by calling (785) 295-3045 or by writing to 624 SW 24th Street, Topeka, KS 66611-1294. Academics - Landon School is an independent school for boys, Grades 3-12, in Bethesda, Maryland. All compliance coordinators may be contacted at 624 SW 24th Street, Topeka, KS 66611-1294, (785) 295-3000. The Section 504/Title II compliance coordinator is the Coordinator of College and Career Ready Services. Click here to join 1st period Teams meeting, Click here to join 3rd period Teams meeting, Click here to join 4th period Teams meeting, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated), How to open Microsoft Outlook and send an email, Unit vocabulary (it is on the quizlet and Day 3 – 4 ppt), The Scientific Method (from chapter 1 pgs 10-15). Interscholastic: Cross country, football, soccer, water polo, volleyball, Interscholastic: Basketball, ice hockey, indoor track and field, riflery, squash, swimming and diving, wrestling, Interscholastic: Baseball, fencing, golf, lacrosse, rugby, tennis, outdoor track and field, Ultimate Frisbee. Our athletics program during distance learning is on campus, socially distanced, and in small groups following safety guidelines. The Topeka Public Schools, Unified School District No. Our dean of students and Community Service Club organize a robust schedule of volunteer opportunities and host an annual community service fair to provide you with numerous options to serve. Landon does currently offer Advanced Placement (AP) classes, but we will be moving beyond the AP course offerings by the 2022–23 school year. Our programming includes speakers, assemblies, in-class programming and more. It would be impossible to list every rule and policy in this handbook. stream,