When Othello tries to get more information from Lago, he declines to give any information and this makes Othello more suspicious. Shakespeare addresses different themes in the play and this essay will discuss jealousy as one of the themes addressed in Othello by Shakespeare. Shakespeare repeats these styles to set the mood through his works. He goes on to implore Roderigo to confront Desmodena’s father by telling him, ‘call up her father, rouse him…poison his delights…do, with like timorous accent and dire yell’ (Shakespeare 64). Shakespeare’s Othello might seem to be a play of numerous jealous males, but really it is one male’s jealousy to blame for the fall of others, which male is Iago. You are jealous now / That this is from some mistress, some remembrance" (3.4.183-186), "There; give it your hobby-horse: wheresoever you had it, I'll take out no work on't" (4.1.153-154), "I will be hang'd, if some eternal villain, / Some busy and insinuating rogue, / Some cogging, slave, to get some office, / Have not devised this slander; I will be hang'd else" (4.2.130-133), "Fie, there is no such man; it is impossible" (4.2.134), "Some such squire he was / That turn'd your wit the seamy side without, / And made you to suspect me with the Moor" (4.2.145-147), "Now, whether he kill Cassio, / Or Cassio him, or each do kill the other, / Every way makes my gain" (5.1.12-14), "He hath a daily beauty in his life / That makes me ugly; and, besides, the Moor / May unfold me to him" (5.1.19-21), "one not easily jealous, but being wrought / Perplex'd in the extreme" (5.2.345-346), At the end of his tale to Roderigo about how he was passed over for promotion to lieutenant, Iago displays his jealousy of Cassio. Roderigo believed this plan was for him to eliminate Cassio so he would win over Desdemona, but actually it was for selfish Iago. In addition, the relationship among the characters makes the play unique (Sparknotes 1).Othello and Lago show close associations which make it difficult to figure out who has the greatest responsibility in the play. That night, Iago gets Cassio intoxicated and sends Roderigo to begin the fight with him. He is driven by anger and envy and aims at instilling jealousy in all the other characters, an aim he achieves through manipulating and betraying them, particularly Othello. ). ” (Shakespeare I. iii. Explore the different themes within William Shakespeare's tragic play, Othello.Themes are central to understanding Othello as a play and identifying Shakespeare's social and political commentary. By using this strategy, Lago waits for Othello’s answer for him to craft a response that will increase his jealousy. Thy spouse understood it all.” (Shakespeare V. ii. In the first episodes of the play, Lago is not so much interested in her.