The Utility of 3D Printing #3dThursday #3Dprinting #Radio @NT7S « Adafruit Industries – Makers, hackers, artists, designers and engineers! Shack 2.0 is now finished, save a bit of work in getting and setting up workbenches. So the ripples will be 'absorbed' so to speak when yet to come 20% infill layers start? The Print Quality Troubleshooting Guide by Simplify3D is my go-to place when trying to hunt down 3D printing problems. see if you can put weight under the platform to help with vibrations. By supporting me on SubscribeStar with a recurring donation, you can help me with better content. Never tried it myself, but maybe someone else can weigh in on how well it works? Even while having a moderately high acceleration value, I could get away with just lowering the jerk value. What is the point in yard signs in presidential elections? This won’t be anything particularly novel to you old hands at 3D printing, but I wanted to demonstrate to others just how useful that open source tools and 3D printing can be, even for non-geeky tasks such as home improvement. Could be over-extrusion, but also the nozzle is a little too close to the bed. Would a giant atlatl be a viable siege engine? Odd, as the bed tests out as pretty level using the paper under the nozzle test. I'm printing part for a chess board from a set on Thingiverse, expanded a little to 50 mm square. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm printing part for a chess board from a set on Thingiverse, expanded a little to 50 mm square. Ringing? 0.15mm layer height, 0.4 extrusion width. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Does that just keep it from building up a harmonic oscillation? That’s what’s…, Goodbye, Prettify. check for vibrations from anything attached to the printer. Turned out better bed 'leveling' was the solution. After the 3rd layer, I'm seeing what looks like raised ripples, and you can feel them with a finger too. The initial layer also had some streakiness (?) The QTH is Beaverton, Oregon. Ringing (or ripples or shadowing or ghosting or echoing) is a surface finish defect in 3D prints that is created by the sudden acceleration of the printer’s moving parts. That will close the chapter on an exhausting yet exciting time, and mark the transition to putting full attention back into a couple of new Etherkit product launches coming soon. Printed a 6 hour iPhone stand yesterday, turned out really nice. Horrifying surface finish when 3D printing? I was thinking it could be that too. The interior of Shack 2.0 is fully finished with drywall, and I had to cut out a bit of a ragged opening for the conduit, leaving an ugly, unfinished transition. Based on a friend’s recommendation, I plan to purchase an entry panel that mounts on the exterior of the building around a 2 inch conduit. Once I get my workbenches, finish them, and install them, I’ll get some photos and create a post to show you what Shack 2.0 looks like. /r/3DPrinting is a place where makers of all skill levels and walks of life can learn about and discuss 3D printing. Not sure if that might be your issue but after tightening my belts I noticed an improvement in print quality. The Ripples coffee machine enables you to print pictures and logos on top of each beverage. As far as I’m aware, there’s no commercial bit of trim for finishing something like this, so I was able to make my own by firing up FreeCAD and designing a flange in about 15 minutes, and then printing it on my Ender 3. Acceleration I had to turn wayyyyy down because my printer was accelerating too fast and just missing steps, or when it came time to stop again it'd overshoot. Again, this is basic stuff, but it’s still pleasing to be able to close the idea-design-product loop so quickly, plus it gives me a chance to tease the new shack. It looks like over-extrusion. It only took about 3 hours for each print, so from start to finish, it only took the second half of the day to go from nothing to finished trim. Also I made external perimeters painfully slow, while keeping internal ones and infill at a more reasonable speed. Nice job 73 de W7RLF, […] Milldrum posts about just how useful that open source tools and 3D printing can be, even for non-geeky tasks such […]. rev 2020.10.7.37758, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, 3D Printing Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. Will try to measure with the shims and see just what it is. The Utility of 3D Printing #3dThursday #3Dprinting #Radio @NT7S | iotosphere - Internet of Things, The Utility of 3D Printing #3dThursday #3Dprinting #Radio @NT7S – IoT – Internet of Things, Download the QRP/SWL Homebuilder PDF Archive. Does the main character have to be likable? Will have to look into calibrating the extruder when this print finishes. Ripples in the Ether Emanations from Amateur Radio Station NT7S. Also look at the xy jerk value, if your firmware has it. It only takes a tiny bit of slop for this to occur. 3D Printing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for 3D printing enthusiasts. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Always calibrate your extruder. Why can so little digital information be stored on a cassette tape? It uses safe and edible ink foam milk to … When layers are printed with 100% infill, excess material has nowhere to go and these characteristic ripples form. I love that it’s not 3D printing just for the sake of 3D printing, but rather fills a need that nothing else could. It looks great! 3D printing under extrusion is one form of inconsistent extrusion (the other being over extrusion). Printing some more parts tonight. Is it ok copying code from one application to another, both belonging to the same repository, to keep them independent? So as you can see below, I installed such a conduit before finishing the interior of Shack 2.0. Ghosting artifacts can really ruin the look of a 3D Printed object! Agreed. I have briefly mentioned on Twitter (but I don’t believe on this blog) that I’ve been working on a new ham shack/home office over the last 9 months. I get this even when I print with 0 infill. On The Utility of 3D Printing. Play the long game when learning to code. see if you can put weight under the platform to help with vibrations. site design / logo © 2020 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. Here’s an attempt to classify and list possible reasons and fixes. printing a square object on an angle like 45 degrees helps. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, [Ultimakers, Lulzbots, Raise3D]. ;_; Reduce acceleration. It’s mostly related to amateur radio (especially homebrewing and QRP) but occasionally other topics will pop up when they strike me as amusing. Static site generation with single page app functionality? 3D Printer Troubleshooting: Cracks In Tall Objects. How thick is your perimeter? The main thing is that it had a Generation6 controller, 24V system and only 1/8 microstepping. Also ordered some metal (stainless steel) shims so we can get and check the bed level more accurately than "this index card plus a little bit" as the card measures ~0.16mm and we want 0.18mm to 0.2mm or maybe 0.22mm it seems. It combines 3D and inkjet printing … Will check the 'level' again before we start on the light color squares. The acceleration and jerk also had the combined effect of reducing the amount of vibration the printer caused, the damn thing was translating through the table, into the wall and rattling my garage roof! Wish I had a way to machine the bed flatter or something to deal with the odd layer 1 streaking, as it looks just right in some places, intermixed with too high or too low in others. After the 3 rd layer, I'm seeing what looks like raised ripples, and you can feel them with a finger too. Just to muddy the waters, my first Prusa printer did not suffer from these vibrations - many other ills, including some rapidly attenuated ripples at edges, but most surfaces were without blemish. It was the most beautiful print I'd ever seen.