Living Monolith | They succeed in doing so, but both Ronan and Nebula later betray Thanos, with the former intending to destroy Xandar himself using the Power Stone, and then kill Thanos as well. Ultimus | Following a fight with the trio, Thanos summons his army, just as a recently revived Doctor Strange arrives with other sorcerers, the restored Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, the Ravagers, and the armies of Wakanda and Asgard to combat him. Others: Loki Laufeyson | Winter Soldier | M'Baku | Scarlet Witch | Kraglin Obfonteri | Dark Elves | Thunderbolt Ross | Akihiko Dormammu | Doctor Octopus | In the comics, Thanos was the master of the Infinity Gauntlet, which he used in the eponymous series in an attempt to court Death. Sentry 459 | Skrulls | M.O.D.O.K. Sigma | Although considered by many to be the ultimate embodiment of cruelty, madness and destruction, Thanos was actually a more complicated and tortured soul as he became who he was due to his traumatic past, genuinely believed that he was right, and that his actions of wiping out half of all live would benefit the whole universe. U-Foes | Owl | Basilisk | Strider Hien | Magneto | Thunderball | Mysterio | [14] Markus explained that the character's early death "reinforced Thanos's agenda. Abyss | Purple Man | HYDRA: General Hale | Ruby Hale | Qovas | Werner von Strucker | Anton Ivanov | Absorbing Man | Dr. Leopold Fitz Mysterio | Vector | Skrulls | Super Patriot | Dark Avengers | (Red Skull, M.O.D.O.K., Blood Brothers, Grim Reaper, Crossbones & Baron Wolfgang von Strucker) | Doctor Doom | Ulik | Dracula | Hyperion | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Destroyer | Loki Laufeyson | Chitauri | Justin Hammer | Mojo | Galactus | Ringmaster | Black Order (Thanos) | Hela | Winter Soldier | Nighthawk | Dormammu | Ultron | Roxxon Energy Corporation | Absorbing Man | Titania | Whirlwind | Fin Fang Foom | Masters of Evil (Baron Zemo, Beetle & Goliath) | Klaw | Ghost | A.I.M. Thunderbolts | Anti-Venom | Mephisto | Centurion | Wrecker | (Season 5) Whedon added that "I love Thanos. Though it is possible that the rest of the Zenhoberi died after Thanos visited the planet. Boomerang | Thanos war ein mächtiger Kriegsherr vom Planeten Titan und ein Mitglied der gleichnamigen Spezies. Equinox | Iron Man 3 Lorelei | Mephisto | Punisher | Chester Goudal | Loki Laufeyson | Hitman | Galactus | Thanos | Zodiac | Thanos | Ten Rings | Vapor | Thanos reiste mithilfe des Raumsteins zur Erde, wo er in Wakanda versuchte Vision den Gedankenstein aus der Stirn zu reißen. Killer Shrike | DioneThe Mad TitanTitanThe Avatar of DeathMasterlordOvermasterMasterMonsterThe Most Powerful Being in the UniverseGrimaceThe EmperorDark LordDark GodPurple Puss (by Rick Jones and the Runner)Perpendicular Grape in Need for a Chapstick and a HeartThanos Rex, WarlordKnowledge seekerAvatar of DeathLeader of the Black Order (formerly)Leader of the Cabal (formerly)Leader of his Defenders team (formerly)Member of Infinity Watch (unofficially), Vast cosmic-powersGenius-level intelligenceSuperhuman strengthNigh-invulnerabilityGreat staminaGreat speedGreat reflexesEnergy projectionImmortalityTelepathyTelekinesisTeleportationMateriokinesisAlien technologiesPreternatural magicInfinity GauntletCosmic CubeThe Heart of the Universe. Nightmare | Green Goblin (Norman Osborn, Harry Osborn) | Hulk and the Agents of S.M.A.S.H. Thanatos Killed me" over and over again. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D (Season 4) Roxxon | Ant-Man: Yellowjacket | HYDRA/Ten Rings (Mitchell Carson & HYDRA Buyer) | Winter Soldier Grandmaster | Frost | Conversely, he grew disappointed in Nebula, and every time she'd lose he would replace a part of her body with machinery in an effort to improve her fighting. But, I don't really understand it." Allerdings war seine Methode dieses Ziel zu erreichen sehr verdreht; durch die Verwendung der uralten Infinity Steine wollte er ihre Macht nutzen, um die Hälfte allen Lebens im Universum mit nur einen Handbewegung zu vernichten. Shockwave | Mysterio | Masters of Evil | Skrulls (Talos & Norex) | Jigsaw | Captain Axis | Punisher | Anderson Schultz | John Pilgrim | Jigsaw | Eliza Schultz | Krista Dumont | Turk Barrett Constrictor | While Loki is able to secure the Tesseract and summon the Chitauri to Earth, he is ultimately defeated by the Avengers, and taken alongside the Tesseract to Asgard for safekeeping. Others: Turk Barrett Man-Spider | | Demogoblin | Psycho-Man | Grotesk | Als er kurz davor stand Iron Man zu töten, übergab Doctor Strange (entgegen dessen vorangegangener Ankündigung, niemals den Zeitstein für dessen Leben zu opfern) Thanos den Zeitstein im Tausch gegen Tony Starks Leben. Equinox | Answer | Scorcher | Nachdem sie sich durch das Volk Asgards gekämpft hatten, drohte Thanos Loki damit dessen Adoptiv-Bruder Thor zu töten, wenn Loki ihm nicht den Tesserakt übergab. Chameleon | Frost | Guilt Hulk | While enraged by his favourite child's betrayal, Thanos resumes his quest for the Orb and sends Nebula to assist Ronan in obtaining it. Thanos | Mercurio | Destroyer | Eel | Er verbrachte viele Jahre damit, die Steine zu jagen. Um einen Angriff auf die Erde zu starten, macht er Loki zum Anführer der Chitauri. (M.O.D.O.K.) Skrulls | Sabretooth | Hera | Galactus | However, Thanos' worries proved valid as Titan crumbled over time and Thanos' race went extinct, leaving him as its sole survivor. Planet Hulk: Red King High-Ranking Members: Jasper Sitwell | Sunil Bakshi | General Hale High Evolutionary | Hera | "[1] George Marston attributed Thanos' success to "the weight behind his character. Doctor Doom | Hunters: Malachi | Isaiah | Baal-Gad | Luke Others: Thanos Over the years, Thanos considered Gamora his favorite daughter and was proud of her abilities, deeming her the only one worthy of having his throne and despite knowing of her hatred for him, he never stopped believing that she could one day be loyal again. Heroes United: Iron Man and Hulk: Zzzax "[27], Critics noted that Thanos was a significant improvement over previous antagonists in the franchise. Gog | Elementals | Titania | Blastaar | (The Leader, Absorbing Man, Blastaar, Sauron, Titania & Abomination) | Annihilus | The Collector | Ego the Living Planet | Frost Giants (Laufey & Ymir) | Mole Man | Wendigo | Wrecker | Thunderball | Piledriver | Doctor Doom | Galactus | Terrax the Tamer | Loki Laufeyson | Malekith the Accursed | Dormammu | Skrulls (Super-Skrull) | Maximus | Medusa | Gorgon | Kree (Ronan the Accuser) | Firelord | Null the Living Darkness | High Evolutionary | Pluto | Xemnu | Red Ghost | Pluto | Dracula | HYDRA (Red Skull) | Supreme Intelligence | Doctor Octopus, Abomination | Beetle | Avalanche | Spider-Man: Homecoming Gamora entgegnete ihm triumphierend, dass er den Seelenstein niemals erhalten werde, da er niemanden liebe. Thanos makes an appearance in HISHE's How Avengers Endgame Should Have Ended. Omega Red | Thanos shares some similarities to Ego; They are both the last of their kind from powerful beings, sought after infinite power and ready to use their own children, and to sacrifice those they loved most to achieve their goals even if it hurts them. Thanos also praised Iron Man for his bravery and hoped the survivors of humanity would still remember him. Baron Mordo | Mercurio the 4-D Man | Yon-Rogg, Movie Omega Red | Madcap | Nicky Cavella | Deathbird | Captain Marvel Grant Ward | Baron Wolfgang von Strucker | Auch dies erfahren wir nur durch Thor, als die Guardians ihn im All auf ihr Schiff nahmen. Titanium Man | Alistair Smythe | Presence | Thanos sought the Infinity Stones with his followers, the Black Order, testing both the Avengers and the Guardians of the Galaxy - eventually succeeding in his goal to wipe out half the universe in an apparent effort to save it, after destroying the Infinity Stones, Thanos was killed by a vengeful Thor Odinson. Batroc | Morlun | Badoon | Avalanche | Daniel Whitehall | Chitauri | Umar | Thanos was an extremely powerful alien warlord who commanded three massive armies called the Chitauri, the Sakaarans and the Outriders, as well as a small group of fanatical followers known as the Black Order. Space Phantom | Super-Skrull | Diamondback | Cottonmouth | Black Mariah | Shades | Turk Barrett M.O.D.O.K. Quasimodo | After the community agreed to the measure, the moderators approached Reddit's administrators to see if the mass ban would even be possible. Vulture | Spot | Overcome with his own memories of the planet, Thanos broke down and retreated. Grim Reaper | U-Foes | Iron Fist (Season 2) Crimson Dynamo | This character, team or organization, is or was primarily an enemy of Aquaman, or members of the Aquaman Family. Thanos was also indirectly responsible for the creation of Ultron as his supplying of the Mind Stone to Loki was what gave Ultron free will to rebel against humanity in the first place. '"[14], A major aspect of Thanos' comic book storyline is his attempts to woo the female manifestation of Death. Freedom Force | Blastaar | Colonel Ross Whittaker | Thor: The Dark World: Dark Elves (Malekith the Accursed & Kurse the Strong) | Loki Laufeyson | Marauders (Duhg & Kronan Marauder) | Jotunheim Beast | The Collector In diesem Moment wurde er allerdings von Thor mit seiner neuen Waffe Sturmbrecher, welche ebenfalls von Eitri geschmiedet wurde, angegriffen und Thor drückte ihm die Waffe in den Brustkorb, was Thanos schwer verletzte. Nightmare | Black Order: Thanos | Ebony Maw | Proxima Midnight | Corvus Glaive | Cull Obsidian | Nebula | Outriders | Chitauri | Leviathans Firelord | Titania | Thanos | Strategic Operations Command Center: Abomination | Thunderbolt Ross | Kathleen Sparr Dracula | Malekith the Accursed | Dracula | Tiger Shark | Mephisto | Thanos was a galactic warlord Titan who allied himself with Loki Laufeyson and Ronan the Accuser. Super-Adaptoid | Sin | Bullseye | Puppet Master | Omega Red | Loki Laufeyson | Whirlwind | Nebula | Enchantress | Boomerang | Framework: Aida | Dr. Leopold Fitz | Alistair Fitz To further augment his strength, Thanos adopted children that had been orphaned during his conquest, including Corvus Glaive, Cull Obsidian, Ebony Maw, Proxima Midnight, Nebula, and Gamora. Batroc the Leaper | M.O.D.O.K. D'Spayre | Magneto | Ezekiel Stane | Thunderbolt Ross | Owl | Sentry 459 | Adolf Hitler | Indeed, even when Thanos's past self learned that the Avengers utilized time travel (through the usage of the Quantum Realm) in order to retrieve the Infinity Stones and undo the damage that he did in the original timeline, Thanos realized that the remaining half of the universe's populace wouldn't accept the future that he envisioned whether he succeeded or not because they could never forget about the losses of their loved ones he killed, which proved that his beliefs were wrong, rather than admitting that he was wrong, Thanos instead came to the conclusion that the universe was ungrateful for his deeds and decided that he would use the Stones to destroy the entire universe and recreate it in his own image so that everyone would be grateful for his actions, becoming outright depraved and ruthless for the sake of his own ambitions as he abandoned his ideals of balance, honor, and empathy as he gloated to the Avengers that he would enjoy personally tearing the Earth apart out of spite against them for interfering with his plans.