, var special_wrap = jQuery(".view-h-content .clear .products").length; z-index: 999999; .term-property-management .cat-desc-wr.entry-content .alignright{ top: 0; The average cost of a repair of a moderate leak without needing to replace the line is around $800. z-index: 999999; clear: inherit; The average estimate for water line leak repair cost varies a lot depending on the kind of repair needed and several other factors. The good thing is that Watercare offers a leak allowance for homeowners who fix their leaks within two weeks from detecting it. The key is to look for any of the following: } }); Increased water usage. padding: 5px; Some clients would take the opportunity to upgrade their old pipes to polyethylene (PE) pipes to get their leak issues over with. }); margin-top: 5px; Now to give you an idea of what water main leak repairs and replacement cost, we made this handy table: A bit expensive? { "@type": "ImageObject", "contentUrl": "https://www.auckland.plumbing/wp-content/themes/euro/images/logo.png", "name": "Euro Plumbing" } jQuery('.view-h-content').css('overflow-x', 'scroll'); width: 100%; "currenciesAccepted": "NZD", width: 100%; You can add your own CSS here. display: block; Plumbing Repair Cost Guide Plumbing Repair Costs. , Your water meter will measure all the excess water leaking from the pipes, which will show up on your monthly bill. //do nothing left: 0; Common Signs of a Water Main Break Sometimes, a leak or break in the water has no obvious signs, while other times it can be quite dramatic. The format must be as follows: INV-12345, Copyright © 2020 EPGD LTD T/A Euro Plumbing |. } "hasMap": "https://www.google.com/maps?ll=-36.891623,174.851314&z=16&t=m&hl=en-GB&gl=US&mapclient=embed&q=24E+Morrin+Rd+St+Johns+Auckland+1072+New+Zealand", z-index: 999999; height: 100%; left: 0; margin: auto; source: locations, "name": "Euro Plumbing Auckland" "@type": "Plumber", Costs to repair your water main. margin-right: 5px; height: 24px; box-sizing: border-box; display: none; A replacement would be much preferred in older homes where pipes are typically made of galvanised steel that have likely deteriorated or ½-inch copper that may have been dented over the years. $(".fancybox").fancybox(); Older pipes also tend to be undersized for modern-day demands, making them vulnerable to splitting or cracking due to the increased pressure. right: 0; A team member will be in touch shortly.Questions? However working through concrete, accessibility and location of the leak varies the price. margin: auto; .wpb-popup-content{ } The rebate will help you to recoup some of the costs of your water main repair or replacement. Click the help icon above to learn more. "logo": It’s a quicker, cheaper and less disruptive method for installing a new water main as it does away with the need to excavate or cut the concrete. The cost to fix a slab leak costs around $2,000. var locations = [ bottom: auto; .view-h-content{ width: 702px; } ]; top: 0px; }); } @media screen and (max-width:530px){ So if you have a split, corroded or damaged water main pipe, you will have to shoulder all costs to fix it. Cost to Fix Leaking Pipes. It is a good idea to monitor the water usage in your home to see if there is a sudden spike in... Water in your yard. If you hear the sound of running water or a humming noise coming from the pipes, that’s a sign of a leak. Water main issues need prompt attention so you don’t have to pay excessive water bills and you can prevent further damage to your pipes. display: none; "openingHours": "Monday ? Pipe Bursting Repair Cost. exists = $.inArray(val,locations); "award": [ If the information you have provided is sufficient, you will be notified within the given times below. } The leaking water creates vibrating sounds which are audible long before the leak becomes visible. max-width: 767px; background-color: #000; } if(special_wrap > 5){ In such cases, it will be cheaper to replace the pipe rather than attempt to replace it. "url": "https://www.auckland.plumbing", In other cases, we may need to dig a trench to lay in a new service pipe. position: fixed; This will only happen in extreme cases where the service line is ruptured or if the tap connection has been dislodged from the mains supply. $(document).ready(function() { "image": "https://www.auckland.plumbing/wp-content/themes/euro/images/logo.png", "priceRange": "$-$$$$", If a site visit or any further information is required, our team will advise you accordingly. $(this).val(""); .term-property-management .cat-desc-wr.entry-content p{ #wpb_overlay{ If you think you have a leaking water main, here’s what to do next: First, shut off the water flow valve to prevent wastage and/or damage. height: auto; bottom: 0px; margin: 0; left: 0px; } else { z-index: 9; } .footermenu h2{ } z-index: 6000; Some water main leaks are obvious and therefore easy to fix, but others will require the use of a specialist leak detection device. "Auckland Council Approved", jQuery('.view-h-content .clear').css('width', special_wrap_width_net + 'px'); max-width: 500px; The average slab leak costs $2,280 to repair, including detection.