It was a macabre report: two boys found human bones in a park near a River. If she's eating something like chicken fingers, she eats them dry. By the time he was ten years old he had traveled throughout China gathering herbs. They are happy to remain blissfully ignorant. According to the dictionary definition of normal, which used such words as; routine, regular patterns, conforming, and standard, it sounds like being normal would really suck- for me, at least. Some get more recognition than others, to the point of internet celebrity, others not so much. I’ve also been through the entire gamut of emotions about it. When he was a child, he was helping his father to cut wheat in a field, but because he could not prove the fact later, he never claimed it. Underneath that mask is someone who refrigerates their socks because they like having cold feet. Tanzler was around his fifties when he moved to USA, starting to work in Florida, in the Marine Hospital.On 1930, a 22 years old Cuban woman came to the Hospital to be treated. That man was Dorangel Vargas, born in 1957 and currently imprisoned in a Venezuelan jail, not serving sentence but as prevention. Weird people do not care about fads and trends. He attached the corpse’s bones together with wire and fitted the face with glass eyes. If you're dating someone who does weird things or acts strangely, just let it be. One of two things will happen if ask for an explanation: 1) the reason won't make sense and you'll just make your partner feel weird, or 2) everything will make sense and now you're doing weird stuff, too. It's fine to be different. After I did so I prepared “empanadas” (Venezuelan dish) and filled them with his meat and I shared them with people I know and everyone flattered the flavor of the stuffed. However, the existence of normal people is very necessary. Whenever you date someone, you don't start off dealing with the real person. Julia was born in the state of Sinaloa, Mexico, in 1834. someone who is different from everybody else, but that's okay because they're being themselves and they aren't like the fake bitches you see these days Rainer is the only person recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant. That little girl’s name is Lina Medina and on May 14th, 1939, she became at age of five years, sever months and 21 days, the youngest mother in history. Personally, I’ve been called all of those things. The doctor examined her with X Rays and found out the little girl was pregnant. Normal people could never accomplish these feats on their own because it would require them to leave their comfort zone. Most normal people do not know that they are normal. Your selfie style. Carl confessed her his love but as far as we’re aware of, she never corresponded his love. People who are normal are more likely to be rational and level-headed in difficult situations. In 1917 he was tested to join the army, but he was too short to join. Weird people keep an open mind and are not content to take things at face value. She was born in 1963 and died in 1994. Julia became pregnant of Lent at 25 years old. You thought that maybe they were just a little eccentric, but nope — they're full blown strange. 75 years after, the name of father remains unknown. The point is, don't think you can prepare yourself for weird. See Also; 10 Horrific Children Who Were Killers. So, thanks 10 Shortest Athletes That The World Has Witnessed, 10 Most Unbelievable Families, You Won’t Believe Actually Exist, Top 10 Weird Jobs That Pay Surprisingly Well, 10 Crazy Things People Did With Asbestos (Even Though It Kills You), 10 ridiculous rules that stand across the world, Most beautiful women of 2020 – Top 10 prettiest ladies in the world, Top 15 Most Handsome Men in the World 2019-2020, Top 15 Most Beautiful Girls in the world 2020, Top 10 Most Beautiful Female Arab Singers. As a weirdo, you have more fun because you have less hang ups. Since normality is a lifestyle, there are things that will need to be purchased in order to remain within the norm. RELATED: 8 "Weird" Things Women Do That Are Perfectly Normal (We Swear). Indeed, he was a little giant. Freedom’s, rights and laws that we all enjoy today were spearheaded by weirdos who lead movements that fought for rights that have made our lives easier (ie: Non violence. In July 1860 he dissolved the United States of America and in 1861 he forbade the Congress from meeting in Washington Norton was also accompanied by dogs, one of them name Lazarus, dead in 1863 and Bummer died two years later. Weirdo definition, an odd, eccentric, or unconventional person. 6 Bihari: most officially dead person. As dull as they tend to be at times, they provide balance. Did you consider the source? Then, likely as a result of a pituitary tumor, he had a dramatic growth. They do not question things very often. According to relationship advice, the beginning stages of dating is all about getting to know someone — the real person. Here's what it's like to date a weirdo, and why it's a total slam dunk for you. San Cristóbal, Venezuela. Her husband’s greed did not end there. Once you look into the void, you can never unsee it. See Also; 10 Heinous and Historic Hate Crimes. In January 1867, a civic tumult occurred when a Patrol Special Officer arrested His Majesty for involuntary treatment of a mental disorder. You don't want to find yourself a few years down the road wondering why your socks are in the freezer. Every time you meet someone new, you know that you're not really meeting them; you're just meeting the mask that they put on for society. Michael Hollan is a comedian and writer. What is most important is that we understand that in order to make this life work, both teams are necessary. That year in a National televised interview he gave details of his murders. Weird people are the innovators, inventors, activists, artists, musicians, writers, engineers, designers, and creators of all technology. That's no reason to break up, but there's also no going back to normal. The first of these strikes occurred in 1942, then resumed in 1969, 1970, 1972, 1973, 1976 and the last one came on 1977. Maybe two months into the relationship they reveal to you that they're afraid of chemtrails. Normal people are judgmental of anything that deviates from their rules of normality. He was a Germanwho studied in Freiburg University majoring in medicine in 1837. There is nothing “normal” about that!). Lina still lives in a small town in Peru called Chicago Chico (Little Chicago). In October, 1940, Elena’s body was eventually discovered. See Also; 10 Shortest Athletes That The World Has Witnessed. However there is not a definitive proof of Yuen’s longevity and the record is not credited to him. The bodies went through different owners until 2013 when she finally was buried in Sinaloa. When asked for his secret, Li Ching-yuen gave it replied: “Keep a quiet heart, sit like a tortoise, walk sprightly like a pigeon and sleep like a dog.”. Weird people are steadfast in their convictions. Odd, fantastic. These are Top 10 Strange People with Bizarre History: Roy Sullivan was a former park ranger in Shenandoah National Park in Virginia who died at age of 71 on 1983 from self-inflicted gunshot wound, reportedly rejected in love. Without “Weirdos”, normal people would live an empty, uneventful, primitive life with no frills! Gloria had two children and was a housewife. It was impossible to determinate a cause of her death since her heart was missing and most of her organs were contaminated with fecal matter. Tanzler was arrested and detained. As the skin decomposed, he replaced it with silk cloth soaked in wax. She was badly decomposed. People begin a relationship showing off a version of themselves, and then slowly strip back the layers until the real person is revealed. The superstition of the place suggested the evil god of the region had made a long snake grow inside her; that’s why her parents treated her with shamans first. They only know that you are weird. Normal people have antiquated ideas about everything and they will not diverge from them. He founded Mritak Sangh or the Association of the Dead in Uttar Pradesh, India. He continued to do so for the rest of his first 100 years. Weird people are too complex to solely depend on common sense and logic. weirdo definition: 1. a person who behaves strangely: 2. a person who behaves strangely: 3. a person who you think…. Joshua Norton was a citizen from San Francisco, CA. See Also; 10 Spine-Chilling Serial Killers. He was born in Austria. So, thanks If so, did you reevaluate or second guess yourself? Sullivan himself recalled that the first time he was struck by lightning not in 1942 but much earlier. Usually they are the “peace makers” in times of dispute as well as the responsible party that everyone trusts. Hello, I'm an awkward person that just wants to make others Happy and do what I love. I cannot answer that question. Her kid was named after the doctor who attended her and died at age of 40 to a bone marrow disease. Bizarre people can be found everywhere. This case is more bizarre if we consider that the odds of being struck by lightning are of 4.15 in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000. Due to the strange circumstances of her death, she was dubbed the toxic lady. These pseudo necessities are known as “, They also use similar phrases, cliches, and platitudes such as, “. The icing part works out really well for me because she'll eat the cake and then let me have the extra icing. It is estimated that from 1995 to 1999 he killed and ate 40 people. Most of us go through life making a lot of assumptions about ourselves. About 10 for 9 P.M, Ramirez was pronounced dead from kidney failure related to cancer. The 1870 U.S. census shows Norton as 50 years old and his occupation was listed as Emperor Besides all this he also collected taxes, attended sessions of governmentand sold his own currency. The fingernails of his venerable right hand were six inches long.In 1930 Professor Wu Chung, from Chengtu University, found records that the Imperial Chinese Government had congratulated Li Ching in 1827 on his 150th birthday, making him a 256 year old. In 1917 he was tested to join the army, but he was too short to join. Due to labor complications of the pregnancy Julia died 5 days later. You still love them, but once you find out that someone's weird, there's no going back. Weird people often have to learn things the hard way. At times it hurt and I was offended (when I knew that it was coming from a malicious place). © 2020 by Tango Media Corporation All Rights Reserved. Later, Theodore Lent, discovered her in United States and convinced her to marry him.