Lazy sod & I expect you can’t find yr ‘research’ on yr own can you? I hope things work out and TRB can continue in some way, Thanks for all the hard work. May wasn’t knocked unconscious so isn’t obliged to leave the field. & put England under undue pressure near the death. Does that answer it for you! Plane old patriotism (which Americans do very well). Happy days. I realise your English down under is some kind of hybrid but you should have improved it by now. And BTW, I recently renewed my passport FYI. Scoreline didn’t reflect the run of the game, but that does happen. Imagine if the Marler-AW-J situation had been reversed. This was just the once. He was according to you when SBW was redded v the Lions. It was red to me. 3:02PM. French mate; not your colonial mish-mash! Strange old game to watch. Speak in the English you go on & on like a nun’s knickers about will you? No Alex, Press conference! Nxt year yr tougher games will mostly be AWAY! How are your military equipment studies going during this Covid-19 down-time? All if’s & but’s. It WAS reffed to the TMO. Me, merely my first such has been the patience I have extended with the sh*t posted on here by one puny person. And Wales came out for the restart with renewed vigour, scoring inside 30 seconds through a stunning counter that sent Tipuric clear under the posts. Maybe raiding the Pacific backfired on this occasion. Hutch was SECOND after me (Not a criticism but an accolade)! Your comments seem to belittle the win, stink of ‘get a grip guys’ etc etc. Manu decision still baffles me, there is enough mitigation there re height, falling to downgrade it to a yellow but oh well. ‘Woke’ up you big snowflake! Please, stop shooting the messenger, it’s tiresome. Now taking bets on what concludes first – the 2020 Six Nations or the Don P/AlexD ‘feud.’. I would have gone yellow. Its becoming a trend. An Englishman supporting England on an English blog. As a matter of principle I am not prepared to have my Englishness rammed down my throat by (to ironically borrow your own words) a “tub-thumping” Kiwi. No mitigation in those circumstances. You may not read this as per your previous comment and as you’re entitled; or you might. Hutch, you are going to lose your readers at this rate. 6, Owen Farrell (capt) Not a classic performance, giving away a few penalties. 5, Nick Tompkins Spooked by Tuilagi opposite him early on but drastically improved in the second half, playing a crucial role in Tipuric’s try. My view is entirely in line with Piers Morgan on the bollocks-gate issue (why I posted it). 7, Manu Tuilagi Can have no complaints with red card. Trust me DP I am a realist and I am fully aware this England side has much to improve on, but that is no different to all teams IMO. Oh yes, it’s absolutely hilarious grabbing someone’s testicles; HOW we all laughed. Are you basing yr comment on Tui’s red? Bet Tui doesn’t. Unless you’d like to wear a uniform of vertical black & white stripes of course? 2, why did it take so long to ascertain that May was ‘fit’ to carry on? As a matter of fact I loved my experience at Cardiff Arms Park! England’s loose fwds, looked good at times & Watson was lively (shades of JJ?). Three more minutes and England might have lost that game. Question for Don P: Did you catch the re-play at 11.25 pm? She has since married, has a toddler and went on to run a marathon. England won, so I see no blame unless as I commented before that you can blame a ref for winning!? Jake’s comments was a propos an equally vicious and illegal tackle on Tui by Parkes. As disappointing as yr AW-J comment, which when the red (sorry) mist has cleared, you must also see as a tad unworthy. That’s grammar my friend, that’s grammar! What did YOU write about a spiteful, petulant 5 yr old!? A very balance refereeing performance in deed. Is he the best you can do? ‘Thanks for the translation of this jibberish. 11c in cloudy skies, What channel is England vs Wales on? Unless you & the intemperate Jones are advocating head shots of course. Try not to use it in the first place would be my advice. From memory, the closest he ever got to rugby was as the disastrous Spin doctor for SCW’s Lions wasn’t it? Shame as it spoiled another impressive performance with a try to boot. Celebrate a nr run thing.. or drown yr sorrows? Saturday 7th March, 16:45, Where is England vs Wales taking place? Bit of an excuse wasn’t it? Makes sense? Not sure I have the alternative answer at the moment though. Is it because you expected England to best the Welsh, as indeed I did too, by more than a miserly 3, at HOME? Unfortunately Steve it’s a common theme in many team sports that once a team gets so far ahead they can go into cruise control and take the foot off the gas, and then the other team goes into the opposite mental state and pushes on as have nothing to lose apart from pride…without getting too deep this is a human fault. I know impartial but what a BS red card. The TV chat show host? Meant ‘Why, did England win’? Are you related to Alex D? Why would I hop along to 365, as you must have, when I can have a cuppa here & watch you making a laughing stock of yrself. Has he done yr dirty work for you? Please stop making everything personal though. Does not quite have the heft in terms of carrying that Wales clearly need. I just wrote a long rebuttal of your comments, but do you know, life is too short. You can thank me in absentia! I gave up replying to Don some time ago and now mostly don’t even read his comments. But do you ever re-read yr stuff? Oops, sincerely hope that the preceding sentence’s last ‘word’ is English?!”. 1. the slightly woke and silly idea that it appertains to the BNP and EDL which back in the 70’s and 80’s may have been the case but no more – both those idiotic parties have little following and NO POWER in parliament!) 6, George North Far too many handling errors. Alex, never said that he would be carded, just that it should have been a penalty (and another stupid needless one at that) against Farrell. alckie? Both teams over cooked this latter & ltd part of their game IMO. Better off sticking to CAP, but anyway I’ve given yr life enough meaning & attention for now & you’re boring the socks off me. That was the calculated plan to get rid of this idiot and if that involves then so be it (necessary collateral damage but to be honest he should have been ejected after the 1st strike post-world cup) . Engaging game of high, at times almost frenetic tempo, with Wales giving it a real lash, if predictably & unproductively, mostly through their ball carriers. England maintained their Six Nations title bid with victory against Wales, aided by a scoring return for wing Anthony Watson. Not WC conquering standard but then they didn’t need to be – it was that lesser known championship called the 6Ns! I was the first to say “call for a stop to it” due to the British sense of fair play! He was tracking in front of the nearest chasing English player (Farrell) intentionally to buy time. Why don’t you troll those rugby sites I copied for you? I’ve noted three years of vitriol on this blog and counting…………………………………………….! Now get to bed, it’s way past yr shut eye time bullet! Thought it was a yellow myself as North was falling at the time, but marginal. I thought Parkes should have seen yellow but I wouldn’t have been shocked by a red. March 11, 2020 at 9:14 pm Alex D Quote. That’s why. Is ‘Rubbish’ not as imprecise as yr rant? England had been shorn of their star wing since the Rugby World Cup final, and Watson made sure to quickly show Jones just what he had been missing. Bit gutless though isn’t it? What’s new? You saw the Parkes tackle on Tui? I’m not blaming the ref, why would I, we won….so what was the excuse you mention for? I would quite like a bit more from my 12. Of course you also entitled to ignore me. In 2019, Wales turned in one of their most iconic performances in Cardiff to derail England… You ought to be on your BEST behaviour mate. You’re asleep 1// the time anyway AD. A general trend by a few here IS to have blamed the ref. No arms, head high spring to mind (& sight). But…..losing the 2nd half again, having 2 players carded, discipline eroding and an inability to push home an obvious advantage that we had at 33-16 left a somewhat anticlimactic feeling. She did. He only later went off, not to return. Officially done, asked and sent. Jury in or out on Ed? Both? Yes Wales came within 3 points but the truth is 15 v 15 they were second best. Maybe this peculiar notion requires a little more thought. Hope everyone stays healthy. Watch it PG, Alex D resembles that remark! Better buy more UJ gear, or a new coach, or a new ship.. mate. Being Tui, he got up, dusted himself down and got on with it. We don’t want balance here. Don, you accusing someone else of being tiresome is really something. What did you think of this afternoon’s match at Twickenham? I think you are just jealous that Marler got to tickle big Alun’s winkie and you didn’t….and that is not a personal or subjective comment…. BTW, when are you going to take yr own advice & break out into rugby ‘talk’ again? Not ALL disagreed with my views which I state as I wasn’t especially impressed with England’s performance & some opinions expressed here which seemed like excuses to me, that’s all. 8, Courtney Lawes Has not always enjoyed playing at blindside but he excelled against Ireland and was similarly effective here.