that most investors will invest considerably more than the minimum. of the facility itself but also because the White House will play a part in Can this be updated on the website? When the lockdown is lifted the Bladon Community Pub Committee will begin work on renovating the 17th century inn and launching it as a community pub - with a beer garden. (But they do have a 1am curfew! In addition to the increase in local residents using the pub, the two local tourist centres of Blenheim (over 900,000 visitors per year) and Bladon Chains (over 15,000 visitors per year) have both pledged their support to help promote and recommend the White House should it become a community-owned pub. current tenant is failing to do to  achieve the forecast £312k turnover? Yes, once we have formalised the ownership of the White House, committee meetings have minutes made available to the Bladon Community Benefit Society members (shareholders). How can I find out more about the project? However, the old church was demolished in 1802 and a new building completed in 1804. Yes, they do. The villagers of Bladon have formed the 'war cabinet' need to raise £580,000 to buy The White House which was once frequented by the former prime minister. If the villagers raise enough money to buy it, that's fantastic.'. have a rough idea of the current turnover? It benefits from trade from visitors to Churchill's grave and nearby Blenheim, where he was born. the business’s assets, including the freehold of the building, would be sold The Business Plan states that your surveyors have They hope to be able to save the Churchill's old drinking hole, Sir Winston is buried at St Martin's Churchyard in Bladon Mike Edwards, of Bladon Community Pub Committee, said: 'To quote Sir Winston, we plan to 'never give in, never give in'.'. of the project to date, including selling our calendars and assisting us with [8] The building was enlarged in 1890. We need your investment to help purchase the White House. In 1877 a new chapel was built copying the Early English style of the 13th century. one share at £50 If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Without sufficient investment from the community we will be unable to establish the business and ensure that the pub continues as a community asset for the long term. anticipated pre-purchase costs. The group is being helped by the Woodstock-based Plunkett Foundation, which will support them to develop a business plan and make it a success as they already have for other community pubs. The maximum that can be invested in class A