Repetitive or prolonged bending can also lead to injuries and back pain. Patients with Parkinson's, cerebral palsy, arthritis and other crippling conditions can benefit greatly from physical therapy sessions. The scope of physical therapy treatment advanced during the 1940s. [03/17/16]   For example, their knees might bend and flex in two different ways. To keep from falling in the bathroom, keep a night light on all the time, install rails in the bathtub and shower, and put a non-skid mat in the bath and shower. If it’s getting worse, then a physician or a physical therapist can help see what the problem is. [06/14/16]   Therapy for Cerebral Palsy. If you are experiencing chronic lower back pain, we offer a variety of passive modalities (or treatments) that can help relieve some of the pain. One of the most common misconceptions about physical therapy is that it’s only for those injured, with a serious medical condition or professional athletes. Privately and locally owned with over 58 years of combined experience. Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing. Physical therapists can be highly effective when it comes to treating arthritis, a condition associated with joints losing mobility and strength and becoming stiff and painful. You need to make sure there is not more damage than you suspect. Your doctor will probably refer you to physical therapy. Are you having problems moving your arm up and down after a rotator cuff injury? Every day, new studies are showing how important early physical therapy is to a number of conditions and injuries. Did you know that mechanical back pain accounts for 80 percent of all lower back pain cases? Whether you are suffering from a chronic condition, have just undergone surgery, or been injured, we focus on getting you back to the point where you can perform normal, everyday activities without difficulty. [04/05/16]   [02/04/16]   [02/09/16]   Privately and locally owned with over 58 years of combined experience. [06/02/16]   [02/16/16]   Your physical therapist will evaluate your condition and let you know what kind of therapy you need. Details about Cerebral Palsy Research Foundation (CPRF) located in Wichita, Kansas, USA - 67208 for people with disabilities and health conditions. The answer varies for each patient, but is also dependent on the gains you make during rehabilitation. [03/31/16]   [04/19/16]   A treatment program will likely change over the years as the patient's limitations change. By applying pressure to soft tissues of the body, the therapist uses massage to relax muscles, improve circulation, and ease pain. [01/26/16]   It’s easy to injure your back through heavy lifting, but that’s not the only way. Physical therapy for everyday athletes is a significant part of this area of healthcare, according to experts. Did you know that some of the basic tasks you perform around the house can be considered exercise when done properly? [05/26/16]   Family operated and serving Erie for 18 years. Cardiovascular and pulmonary rehabilitation is a specialized area of physical therapy that helps treat patients with cardiopulmonary disorders as well as those who have had cardiac or pulmonary surgery. All treatments admistered by licensed physically therapists. In addition to keeping your physical therapy appointments, be sure to take the time to perform any home exercise instructions the therapists assigns to you. Physical therapy implements strength and flexibility exercises, heat treatment, massages and special equipment to give children with cerebral palsy more independence. All treatments admistered by licensed physically therapists. We see many elderly patients who have pain and limited mobility due to arthritis and other conditions. After we evaluate your range of motion, we will come up with a plan for your treatment and provide you with many helpful exercises. [05/31/16]   In the beginning stages of an injury, it can be hard to know for sure whether an injury is serious, especially if the pain comes and goes. In 2010, older adults experienced close to 2.3 million documented falls that required emergency room treatment. It is caused by the constant gripping, flexing, and swinging of the arm. After some injuries or accidents, it becomes necessary to strengthen the muscles surrounding the injured areas. This includes everything from heat/cold therapy to nerve stimulation and ultrasound. [03/22/16]   [01/28/16]   Do you want a simple way to look younger and feel more energetic? We do Swedish massage, deep tissue massage, trigger point, Hot stone massage and offer sound therapy including tuning fork and crystal bowl therapy. Privately and locally owned with over 58 years of combined experience. Did you know that we can prescribe some strengthening exercises for you that can be highly effective in treating chronic back pain? [04/26/16]   [04/07/16]   We will see how far your hip can bend, straighten and rotate so we can give you the proper treatment. To help senior patients recuperate, gain strength and improve balance and coordination, many physical therapy doctors recommend an ongoing regimen of Tai Chi. These can include slipped discs, sciatica and degenerative disc diseases. Doing so will ensure that your body gets the most out of the physical therapy program. A person’s ability to transcend his or her physical limits is in no small part due to the kinds of therapies that are used to fine-tune his or her abilities. [04/28/16]   Seeking physical therapy can help get you back up and moving around after a fall. Physical medicine and rehabilitation (PM&R) specialists were in great demand in the years immediately following World War II. That is often only possible after some sessions with a physical therapist. Specific types of physical therapies help to reduce pain by strengthening the body and improving balance and mobility. A Typical Physical Therapy Session for Children With Cerebral Palsy Prior to any child starting physical therapy, an in-depth medical history and physical examination is carried out.