@bujoabby design. Determination and focus help me to achieve this as well as giving me the drive to do my best in everything else I do. The school was ranked top co-educational school in Wales in 2012 for GCSE success.[26]. The headmaster at this time was Mr T. R. Coombes. After the service I finally made my way to the loft, relocated now to a bay east of its earlier position to make way for the huge swell and choir departments of the instrument in the south case. Company limited by guarantee number 4178505. I own and run Viscount Organs with a close attention to the detail that musicians appreciate; and a clear understanding of the benefits of digital technology and keeping to the traditional and emotional elements of organ playing. It most certainly is a building set into a hollow. Learn more. During his time at Llandaff, Roald and his friends stage “the great and daring Mouse Plot" - involving a local sweet shop, its miserable and dirty owner Mrs Pratchett, and a … There are numerous musical groups, including: Drama has thrived only recently in the school but is rapidly expanding. I was a boarding pupil from about 1951 to 1957. Please click here for further information. The Bonding Weekend was such a good way for everyone to get to know each other before the start of Year 7. School for our youngest pupils is a journey of exploration. Interested pupils may choose to take GCSE Music. Helen joined The Bishop of Llandaff as Head of Mathematics in September 2006. Welcoming boys and girls from 11 years of age. Nearby are the Cathedral School, a theological college, and Howell’s School for Girls. [25] There are a maximum of 72 students per year from Years 7 to 11, equally split between the 3 senior Houses. One day you can be singing a chart song for House Singing and then the next, rehearsing a classical piece with 100 members of Senior Chamber Choir in the Royal Welsh College or the Wales Millennium Centre. Leadership is supported throughout the whole School and we are encouraged to create our own leadership opportunities. Required fields are marked *, Stay up to date with Viscount on Facebook and Twitter, © Copyright 2017 Viscount Classical Organs Ltd. Company Reg. © The Roald Dahl Story Company Limited / Quentin Blake 2018. [9] The School Chapel was built in 1859 attached to the original School House building. Former students of The Cathedral School, Llandaff are referred to as Old Llandavians. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I was not a chorister so most of school services for me were in the school chapel and hymns were accompanied on a piano by the music teacher Mrs Legassic. But noticeable and perhaps most enjoyable of listening to David’s accompanying were the huge number of subtle registration changes and use of swell boxes that maintained an ever-changing dynamic without being over fussy. The Sixth Form Centre was renovated and completed in 2013. Around 60% of the school's enrollment are boys[25] This gender imbalance can be partially explained by the nearby Howells School Llandaff that is girls-only from Years 7 to 11. Company limited by guarantee number 7340518. list of the cookies we use and what we use them for here. Keep up to date with monthly emails from the world of Roald Dahl: Roald Dahl's Marvellous Children's Charity. The HMC website uses cookies to monitor usage. We invite families of Year 6 students to our Open Evening. I attended the 11.00am Sunday Eucharist and as the choir of 20 boys processed past my seat followed by the adult singers and clergy I had to wonder where the intervening years had gone. The Woodard Building includes 11 new classrooms: 2 biology laboratories, 3 rooms for languages, and 6 rooms for humanities. School Profile. Heads of house, assisted by their assistant head of house and their tutor teams, are responsible for pupils' pastoral care, oversight of their academic progress and personal development,[28] as well as participation in House Events. Please contact Mrs Burke, Admissions Officer for details of the meeting and access to the secure Open Evening site https://t.co/BHWkKaUKIR, Congratulations once again to Abby (Year 13) who received her award today for overall winner of the @PJFoundation The information can be found in our news section or via the following link, We are delighted to announce that The Bishop of Llandaff has been awarded World Class School status. The Cathedral School Llandaff, Cardiff. It was a delight listening to choir and organist working so well together with music of the highest quality. The Cathedral School consists of three sections: Infant School (ages 3–7), Junior School (ages 7–11) and Senior School (years 7–13). We recognise that all young people have a unique set of skills and enable all pupils to fulfil their potential. [7] It is a member of the Headmasters' and Headmistresses' Conference of leading independent schools.[8]. Students are encouraged to wear yellow to support #HelloYellow and bring a £1 donation https://t.co/tH54wEnEhF, Our Year 12 Information Evening Presentation can be found via our website, following the link below All of the senior section take part in 2 lessons of Games a week, choosing from the seasonal sports of: Rugby, Football, and Cricket (for the boys); Hockey, Netball, and Rounders (for the girls); Rowing, Tennis, Climbing and Squash (mixed gender, year-round sports held outside of school). https://t.co/Hr2OgPLxDo, As part of our 'Virtual' Open Evening, we are hosting a 'Live Q&A' session on Thursday 8th October at 6.00pm. In those days Robert Joyce who only recently died was the organist. Since joining in Year 7, I have really enjoyed making new friends, playing competitive sport, being part of the cast of High School Musical and Blood Brothers, learning a new instrument and so much more. At the Cathedral School we have a clear vision of what education should be about, and seek to live by that vision in our day-to-day interactions with one another and in setting the longer term direction of the school. The boys were dressed in red cassocks and high collared ruffs varying in age from perhaps just 6 to 12 years old and in many respects that processional sight has not changed since my childhood. You can also read more about the Llandaff Cathedral installation on Nicholson & Co Ltd website. It is the only surviving Anglican choir school in Wales and is a member of the ISC , IAPS and the Choir Schools Association. Major house events include House Singing[29] (which is well-attended and is often held in RWCMD or the Reardon Smith Theatre), House Sports (arranged seasonally and including Hockey, Netball, Rounders, Rugby, Football, and Cricket) House Photography, Eisteddfod events, and Sports Day. During his time at Llandaff, Roald and his friends stage “the great and daring Mouse Plot" - involving a local sweet shop, its miserable and dirty owner Mrs Pratchett, and a dead mouse.