After Set killed Osiris, Nephthys abandoned her husband and joined with Isis to recover the dead god’s body, mummify him, and secure his place as lord of Tuat. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. General documentation and help section. Lawful good Power Level Domains Find out what you can do. Favored weapon 2e Most individuals serving in a government position considered themselves a follower of the Pharaoh of the Gods. Daughter of Geb and long-forgotten Nut, Nephthys was once married to Set. Cleric Alignments: NG, CG, CN The greater the wealth they contribute to the church during this ceremony, the higher the personal status they accrue within the church. They provide advice to the noble class about investments and bless children brought to them (for which they expect a donation). In her name, followers of the Pharaonic pantheon weep and wail at funerals even as they celebrate the new life of the deceased. Horus-Re(Demigod) Nephthys’s clerics are also responsible for conveying the prepared body to the burial chamber, setting the defensive wards, and sealing the crypt to prevent tomb robbers from gaining entrance in a grand ceremony known as the Passage Onward. Nephthys was typically paired with her sister Isis in funerary rites because of their role as protectors of the mummy and the god Osiris and as the sister-wife of Set. 5th Edition Statistics[3] She left him over the murder of Osiris and helped her sister Isis to resurrect the dead deity. Worshipers Aspects/Aliases Clerics of Nephthys spend their days managing the economy of Mulhorand. Accumulate great volumes of wealth, but do not hold money above your devotion to the goddess. Nephthys. They serve in some instances as tax collectors and as money-changers. Holy Symbols: Horns around a lunar disk Arcadia/Buxenus Alignment: Chaotic Good Click here to toggle editing of individual sections of the page (if possible). Portfolio: Death, grief They also serve as executors of the will and testament of the deceased, if any. She was married to Set and bore him one child, the twisted crocodile god Sobek. Portfolio Despite her marriage to Set, Nephthys is the greatest enemy of the god of evil, hating him more passionately than even Osiris does. Domain is not supported in Neverwinter Nights. Clerics of Nephthys pray for their spells at noon, when the golden orb of the sun is high in the sky. [1], Horus was originally a young deity that often sided with Anhur in pressing change to his father, Re. Change the name (also URL address, possibly the category) of the page. The church of the Lord of the Sun was the leading political body in Mulhorand; it was led by the pharaoh, Horustep III, and the vizier Kalarzim. Lord of the Sun[1][2] Master of Vengeance[1][2] Ruler of Mulhorand[1] Pharaoh of the Gods[1][2] Protect the tombs and the remains of the dead, and smite those who would rob those who have gone to the afterlife or desecrate their tombs. And Nephthys is a chaotic good goddess of mourning. Glory, Good, Law, Nobility, Pride, Retribution, Sun, Wrath Most of her clerics are female. [9], When the clergy of Horus-Re prepared for combat, they selected equipment practical to the situation. Worshiperalignments Protect worshipers of the goddess, and diligently root out and destroy evil, especially the actions of Set. Domains: Chaos, Good, Protection, Repose Thus, although most clerics of the Death domain (found in the Dungeon Master’s Guide ) are villainous characters, clerics who serve Anubis or Nephthys … She has few friends even among her own pantheon. The primary temple and center of the church of Horus-Re, the Solarium of Skuld, was located in the capital city of Skuld. Heliopolis [1], When Re was defeated by Gruumsh during the Orcgate Wars, the failing deity passed his powers and domain to Horus before passing on. Lawful good Holy symbol of Horus-Re. Lathander also saw Horus-Re in a favorable light. Helcaliant (Thay)[1]Hokatep (Unther)[1] [6], Horus-Re was able to project a ray of damaging light from his eye. [6], Clerics of Horus-Re typically wore white linen skirts and sandals. Pantheon: Pharaonic Pantheon The original member, "Sacred Phoenix of Nephthys", debuted in Flaming Eternity, though the archetype didn't receive its first support until Deck Build Pack: Hidden Summoners. Sister of Osiris, Isis, and Set, Nephthys appears as a human woman with large wings. 5e The position of priest in the church of Horus-Re was hereditary; members belonged to the House of Helcaliant, and could claim at least one divine incarnation of Horus-Re among their ancestors.The church of the Lord of the Sun was the leading political body in Mulhorand; it was led by the pharaoh, Horustep III, and the vizier Kalarzim. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Her clerics participate in funerals, raising their voices in loud and dramatic mourning. Avatar Waukeen guards against her encroachment upon the portfolio of wealth now that Mulhorand is expanding again, while Mask is interested in her riches. They tended to be arrogant and expected to receive special treatment from those with lesser standing, and were often motivated by political gain as much as divine calling. [9], Worship of Horus-Re was most likely among nobles and the elite of Mulhorandi society. Upon gaining this power Horus became Horus-Re, and began exhibiting the personality traits and beliefs of his dead father. Favoured Weapons: Mace (light or heavy). However, she is also devoted and utterly loyal to those who hold her dearest in their hearts and those within her charge. Paladin 40 Cleric 20 Wizard 19 Fighter 15 [6], The clergy of the church of Horus-Re traditionally spent its time serving in government positions, but were slowly turning their attention to spreading the worship of their deity. The church of Nephthys is run like a powerful, profitable, merchant consortium. The Sun Vengeance Rulership Kings Life View and manage file attachments for this page. View/set parent page (used for creating breadcrumbs and structured layout). Alignment In a somber, but elaborate, day-long rite, they give thanks to Nephthys for her beneficence and tithe to the church. [9], Clerics of Horus-Re prayed for spells as part of the Zenith Aspirant, when the sun was at its highest point in the sky. Any child whom they bless is under the protection of the church until she reaches adulthood, and her injury is avenged by the church. The clergy of Nephthys celebrate few holy days in their calendar. Unless otherwise stated, the content of this page is licensed under, Mediterranean Digital & Public Humanities. Some wore wigs over shaved heads, topped by a headdress. Portfolio She focuses on wealth and status more than charity and good works, but the truly selfish among her worshipers often find the capricious hand of fate turning against them. [6], The position of priest in the church of Horus-Re was hereditary; members belonged to the House of Helcaliant, and could claim at least one divine incarnation of Horus-Re among their ancestors. Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 License. Priest of Horus-Re.. Nephthys has little patience for the foibles of mortals and can often by quite impatient and unforgiving. Like other Pharaonic clerics, Nephthys’s clerics wear white robes and shave their heads if they are male. She tends to favor those of her followers who are well off. Symbol They are engaged in countless political squabbles with the clerics of Horus-Re, Anhur, and Isis over the financing of various projects, the distributions of the profits of others, and the management of human resources (slaves) so as to best serve the economic interests of Mulhorand. "Nephthys" (ネフティス, Nefutisu) is an archetype comprised primarily of FIRE Winged Beast and WIND Spellcaster monsters. Longing for a normal marriage and child, she got Osiris drunk and seduced him, bearing Anubis as a result—and provoking Set’s murder of his brother. A hawk's head wearing a pharaoh's crown surrounded a a solar disc Check out how this page has evolved in the past. Alignment [6], Temples dedicated to Horus-Re often served in an official government capacity, in addition to being a center of worship. The clergy are primarily responsible for the safeguarding of goods and deceased wish to bring to the afterlife. Nephthys or Nebet-Het in ancient Egyptian (Greek: Νέφθυς) was a goddess in ancient Egyptian religion. Titles: Protector of the Dead Nephthys (pronounced: /ˈnɛfθɪs/ NEF-thiss) was a vain but caring member of the Mulhorandi pantheon. The church of Nephthys is involved in the burial rites of every noble or members of the middle class. [6], The followers of Horus-Re performed three celebrations daily.[9]. 2nd Edition Statistics[1][6] Greater deity His ankh had the ability to destroy undead, and he wielded the Sword of Horus in battle. Home Plane: The Offering Fields Power Level Demigod Her temperament is mercurial, and she is very haughty and somewhat vain. Append content without editing the whole page source., Guardian of Wealth and Commerce, Protector of the Dead, the Avenging Mother, Wealth, trade, protector of children and the dead, Merchants, money-changers, tax collectors, rogues. Nephthys, or “Mistress of the House,” was the goddess of the air (since the sky is the “head” of the world) and the head of the family. She was known as Nesharia in Thay, and as Neselthia in the nation of Unther. The 'house' is neither an earthly home nor temple but linked to the heavens as she was related to air and ether. Notify administrators if there is objectionable content in this page. An ankh (khopesh) Greater deity Terms of Service - what you can, what you should not etc. Power Level Administrators, judges, nobles, paladins 3e [9], Priests of Horus-Re were usually nobles. Forgotten Realms Cormyr Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. As of 1489 DR, Mulhorand was led by the returned pantheon, who temporarily set their differences aside for the good of the Mulhorandi people. [9], The Church of Horus-Re began expanding into Unther in the wake of the Time of Troubles. If you want to discuss contents of this page - this is the easiest way to do it. Most of her clerics are female. Clerics of Nephthys rarely multiclass, but those that do are usually rogues. In Egyptian mythology, Nephthys was the daughter of Geb (Earth) and Nut (sky) and the sister of … The sun, vengeance, rulership, kings, life [6], The will of Horus-Re could be communicated through the actions of animals such as hawks or creatures such as solars and lammasu. Home Plane Nephthys is most often worshiped in small chapels within or attached to larger temples dedicated to Isis, Osiris, and Re-Horakhty. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Be faithful to your husband and encourage faithfulness in others. [7], The church of Horus-Re served as the government of Mulhorand. Forgotten Realms Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. See pages that link to and include this page. Basic information Nephthys is the sister of Osiris and Isis, and sister-wife of Set.After Set murdered Osiris, Nephthys helped Isis gather Osiris' pieces and protected her nephew Horus.Despite being Set's wife, she has no children with him and usually sides with Osiris and Isis against him. The 'enclosure' may refer to the courtyard outside a temple as she was r… Her temperament is mercurial, and she is very haughty and somewhat vain. Nephthys has few clergy of her own, as she is most commonly revered as part of the Pharaonic pantheon.