This feature is limited to our corporate solutions. 0000017199 00000 n 0000002550 00000 n Corporate solution including all features. These figures were published in an article that appeared in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) on February 13. The pollution levy is based on the principle that a polluter must pay for the pollution that he causes. However, are you think that on average the “water footprint” of an American is 32,911 glasses per day, means 751,777 gallons of water per year (Source: The Nature Conservancy).You worried like me that, how a man can consume so much of water in a day. The water footprint of Chinese consumption is still relatively small and largely internal (90%), but given the country’s rapid growth and the growing water stress (particularly in North China), the country is likely to increasingly rely on water resources outside its territory, evidenced by China’s policy already today to buy or lease lands in Africa to secure their food supply. The total water and sanitation tariff of €3.87/m³. They participate in UN organizations, sessions of the Global Biodiversity Forum (with inputs from the World Conservation Union, IUCN), the Ramsar Bureau and Convention, and the World Water Forum. The Ministry’s Inspectorate for Transport, Public Works and Water Management is in charge of monitoring compliance with regulations. The average flow rate is 2.1 gallons per minute. 199 litres per person – Gold Coast. 0000002528 00000 n %PDF-1.2 %���� Most of these exercises are coordinated since 2004 in the North European Benchmarking Co-operation.[7]. 188 litres per person – Redland. The drinking water network is in such good shape that treated water typically does not need to be chlorinated to prevent recontamination in the network, so that water reaches the consumer without a taste or smell of chlorine. 0000018276 00000 n Their responsibilities are outlined in the Water Boards Act of 1995. Please let us know! "Daily Water Usage per Capita in The Netherlands from 1992 to 2016 (in Liters). As we have anticipated, when talking about showers, very often we are talking about hot showers. Stay up to date on the Dutch water sector’s latest activities, events and projects abroad. 0000021301 00000 n Tariffs can vary within the service area of a water company, depending on local costs. 0000016313 00000 n Average shower water consumption. Please contact us to get started with full access to dossiers, forecasts, studies and international data.