[8], The Poitiers Campus prepares students for the prestigious Bachelor of Arts (BA) in the Social Sciences and Humanities, a multidisciplinary programme common to all students of the Sciences Po Undergraduate College, regardless of their campus. The programme offers the opportunity to focus on the political, geopolitical and economic issues of Latin America, in a comparative perspective with the European Union, particularly the Iberian Peninsula. This helps students make the direct link between civic issues covered in class and their personal engagement to giving back to society through participation in activities hosted by the university or initiatives in the public, private, or non-profit sectors. [11] The programme is taught mainly in French, with some courses in English, Spanish and optionally in Portuguese. [5] Initially, the Hôtel Chaboureau welcomed around 120 students. Each campus has its specificities, but they all offer the same bachelor's degree. Sciences Po is present today in seven French cities: Dijon, Le Havre, Menton, Nancy, Paris, Poitiers, Reims. Every May, at the end of the academic year, all seven campuses come together for the inter-campus Collegiades de SciencesPo tournament, also known as the MiniCrit. Moreover, the neighbourhood is within walking distance of museums such as the Musée d’Orsay and Musée du Louvre, and historic landmarks such as the Saint Sulpice church, the Luxembourg gardens and Notre Dame. Founded in 1872, Sciences Po has been educating decision-makers in the public and private sectors for over 140 years. The Poitiers Campus (French: Campus de Poitiers) is one of the constituent campuses of the Paris Institute of Political Studies, commonly referred to as Sciences Po.It is home to the Europe-Latin America Programme, offering students the opportunity to study the countries of … The Reims campus is the only campus offering a certificate-awarding exchange programme for students who wish to enhance their studies in international relations. With its hundreds of restaurants, bars, cinema houses and art galleries in the surrounding streets, Saint-Germain-des-Prés provides students with a large choice of ways to spend their time after class. Sciences Po Lille - Institut d'études politiques de Lille (English: Lille Institute of Political Studies), officially referred to as Sciences Po Lille (pronounced see-ohns po), is located in Lille, France and is part of the Conférence des Grandes Écoles. EXCHANGE PROGRAMME  Students from partner universities can study at one of Sciences Po's seven campuses as part of an exchange programme.