Serventy, V. 1984. Leaf is used in the preparation of fodder. Consuming three or more banyan tree fruit daily is supposed to reduce the risk of age related macular degeneration. The Syconium is a fleshy receptacle that has about 50 – 7000 florets on the inner side. Its bark needs to be soaked overnight and the infusion should be taken the next day. Tree is also planted for soil conservation, timber and pulp paper. Like most of the fig-trees, the leaf bud is covered by two large scales. It is uncertain if small seedlings on the ground or as epiphytes can be pulled. The milky juice from the fresh green leaves is beneficial in destroying warts. The monoecious syconium has both male and female florets on the same tree. Ancient people had used banyan tree fruit as their essential hair treatment in the past. They grow from seeds that land on other trees. The number of florets depends on the species to which the banyan tree belongs, Through seed, transplanting and stem-cutting, Aerial root, Bark, root-fibers, leaves, seeds, milky juice, buds, fruit, latex, Spermatophytina  (spermatophytes, seed plants, phanérogames). Free radical will damage the skin cell and activate the up normal cell growth which is known as cancer cell. Some research states that banyan tree fruit is able to cure hemorrhoid. And for children, it will help to strengthen teeth, bones and naturally increase height. An infusion of the twigs is a useful remedy for hemoptysis. One of the respiratory syndromes which are commonly experienced is asthma. They cover the trunk of the host tree, and their leaves and branches in the canopy block the light from the host. The founder of this community, John D. McArthur moved a tree … Its seeds germinate in the cracks and crevices on a host tree, or on other structures like buildings and bridges. The book is out in the UK on 8 September, called Ladders to Heaven, and in the US and Canada in November with the title Gods, Wasps and Stranglers. Besides fructose and glucose, the banyan tree fruit also consist of unsaturated fiber and carbohydrate which will slow down the process of excess sugar absorption on your digestive system. In India its edible leaves are used as the plates. Crush a handful of dried banyan leaves to make a tablespoon of powder. Boil this powder in a liter of water until the water reduces to half a liter. Young leaves have an attractive reddish tinge.[6]. One of them is the amount of free radical. Banyan tree not only fulfills material wishes, but also provides several health benefits. Its trunk and branches extend to Earth to bring blessings to humanity. Petiole is 2-3 cm, stipules are 1.5-2.5 cm, deltoid, acute, coriaceous. Besides, it holds a significant place in Hindu mythology and is supposed to fulfill wishes and other material gains, which has entitled it to be the kalpa virksha. Mixture prepared from its leaves is a good herbal remedy for treating Eczema. Content is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. Vaginal infections can happen due to lack of hygiene and because the vagina remains moist.