Meanwhile, some government measures have backfired, inadvertently leading to bigger gatherings of people. The country surpassed 1,000 cases 25 days later, and 10,000 cases two weeks after that, on April 14, according to Reuters. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our, world’s second-highest per capita rate of new infections per day. “The fact that on the eighth week of confinement you have thousands of people who are positive [for Covid-19] means that those people got the virus while the country was in lockdown – which means they did not respect the law.”. Kalil re-imposed social isolation measures on June 26. All Rights Reserved. But the following day the WHO included Peru in a list of Latin American countries where the rate of infection is “still accelerating.” The number of new infections per day has topped 5,700 since May 26, with a peak of 6,154 on May 27. Some neighboring nations followed the cue: Colombia and Argentina went into total quarantine when they each had fewer than 200 identified cases of coronavirus at the time. Newly Infected vs. 14-day change trends use 7-day averages. Earlier this week, 92% of intensive care beds were occupied. A woman arranges a her mother's face mask at their house of the Pamplona Alta section on the southern outskirts of Lima on May 28, 2020. (As of Tuesday, Peru — with about 32 million people — has identified 395 infection cases and five deaths from COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.). Three weeks later, the transmission rate was at 1.46. South American countries were starting to close their borders. All rights reserved. Experts warn Rio could follow in the footsteps of other Brazilian cities that moved too quickly to reopen and ended up having to close down again. Now we had to close again in Belo Horizonte because the cases skyrocketed. "This situation is not just a health emergency, but a health catastrophe, defined as a situation where the pandemic has overtaken the response capacity of the health sector," Dr. Alfredo Celis of the Medical College of Peru told CNN en Español. Coronavirus Live Updates For these kind of workers there is no lockdown,” he said. On Friday, President Vizcarra extended the state of emergency until June 30, keeping in place the mandatory self-quarantine and curfews across the country. The next morning there were soldiers with masks outside and police cars patrolling with loudspeakers that repeated, "This is an emergency, please stay in your homes." And while the number of deaths recorded in the second half of the month was slightly lower, 1,303 vs 1,372, the number of new cases was 16% higher at 13,675. On Monday, he announced that the priority will be on enforcing health protocols at the country's markets. Outcome of Cases (Recovery or Death) in Brazil . Others expressed outrage over the limited information they were receiving. Why Is Its Coronavirus Outbreak So Bad. The problem is that for many in the South American country, life is still structured in a way that makes it difficult for many people to avoid close contact with others, says Ivan Hidalgo Romero, academic director at the Institute of Government and Public Management in Lima. … “It was the first country in Latin America to respond with a lockdown. “The pandemic is going to reveal how much governments have really invested in creating infrastructure for the poor and for the general population,” he says. Peruvian military police enforce the quarantine on March 17, a day after Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra's orders of a national lockdown to halt the spread of the coronavirus. ... Covid-19 hit Peru’s largest Amazon city Peru Coronavirus update with statistics and graphs: total and new cases, deaths per day, mortality and recovery rates, current active cases, recoveries, trends and timeline. Experts nonetheless say it should not be the only statistic used to make decisions. The exact figure was 49.5%. Seven 20-story towers on the main avenue of the capital city, Lima, would be turned into a 3,000-bed emergency hospital. We remain 14 hours away from Lima down highways blocked by the military. Peru has the world’s second-highest per capita rate of new infections per day, not the second-highest per capita infection rate. So how did it become one of the hardest hit? The order closed Peru’s borders and banned Peruvians from leaving the house except to access essential goods or perform essential work. Worrying warning from World Health Organisation, The two countries had handled the epidemic entirely differently: While Brazilian, President Jair Bolsonaro downplayed the dangers. Iquitos, in the Peruvian Amazon, the world’s largest city that cannot be reached by road, has also been hit hard. At the end of May, researchers at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) calculated the pandemic in Rio would peak the following month, and recommended maintaining social isolation measures. “These are not failures of the healthcare system, these are the consequences of a neglected healthcare system over decades,” he said. "This kind of behaviour is individualistic, selfish...ignoring what's happening around us, and precisely what has brought this situation upon us, not just in Peru, but the whole world," said Vizcarra. Leaders in some countries, like Mexico and Brazil, have resisted efforts to shut down the economy and performed very few tests for the virus. Total Coronavirus Deaths in Brazil. To improve your experience, Peru was one of the first nations in the Americas to take strict preventative. By May 28, Peru had nearly 142,000 cases of COVID-19 and 4,099 coronavirus-related deaths. (Other health officials later said that decisions were made on a case by case basis and not on age alone). It’s an alarming figure for a region with high rates of inequality and poverty, underfunded health systems, and highly urbanized populations. Overall, Brazil has the second-highest number of coronavirus cases in the world, second only to the US. Watch the brand new event series The Good Lord Bird now on Stan. As of Monday, Peru had more than 123,900 confirmed coronavirus cases and 3,600 deaths - putting it. Peruvian President Martín Vizcarra had just declared a total quarantine for 15 days, halting all air and land transportation, even taxis. Police guarded the bus terminal, prohibiting departures. Every village in the Peruvian highlands was buzzing with talk of the spreading coronavirus. Seems as if everyone's left already," wrote one of the group members on Friday. Brazil reported 100,000 cases of infection and 7,000 deaths on 3 May, becoming the country with the ninth highest number of cases in the world. "Today I am more afraid of staying at home and not working than of the coronavirus.". “The government’s [quarantine] strategy works for the 30% of Peru that is employed in the formal sector, that’s been growing economically,” he says. And now we have 1,000.” The government says they will double that number again, to 2,000, over the next month. Shoppers waited in line for hours and a large mass of people milled about. READ MORE: Worrying warning from World Health Organisation Health … Rio's Crivella said his decisions were made after discussions with his scientific committee, which determined that gyms, bars, and restaurants could reopen because the number of deaths had slowed and the percentage of ICU beds occupied had also declined. Nationwide ICU beds with ventilators in Peru’s hospitals are 85% full, according to the government. Staff writers May 24, 2020 10:33am “Every country will see their reality laid bare.”. Deadly outbreaks on Peru’s northern coast and Amazon regions – where social distancing was routinely flouted – laid bare the gaping holes in Peru’s chronically underfunded healthcare system. In some places—like isolated Iquitos—a shortage of basic medicines has led to price speculation in pharmacies.