The choice of the summit's location was controversial. The decision to hold the meeting over videoconference will keep each country from spending the money that it would have taken to prepare for, and travel to, the G7, and will free up the staffers who would have been planning the summit, the official said, citing the unprecedented circumstances the pandemic has brought about. [16], In August 2020, Trump said that he wanted to delay the summit until after the November 2020 election. Trump met with other G7 leaders via videoconference on Monday, what is believed to be the first time the group has met in that way, an administration official told CNN. The Charlevoix Summit resolved to establish a G7 Rapid Response Mechanism "to strengthen our coordination to identify and respond to diverse and evolving threats to our democracies, including through sharing information and analysis, and identifying opportunities for coordinated response."[22]. Oct. 8 (UPI) -- The Commission on Presidential Debates said Thursday the next exchange between President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden will be a virtual affair -- which Trump immediately rejected. [13], In December 2017, Trudeau unveiled the summit logo and announced five key themes that Canada would advance once it assumed the Presidency of the G7 on 1 January 2018. [17][18], Trump named India, Australia, Brazil, South Korea, and Russia as potential invitees to the summit, and said "I don't feel that as a G7 it properly represents what's going on in the world. 46th G7 summit; Host country: United States (planned) Date: Next presidential debate to be virtual; Trump refuses to participate. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that Russia's "continued disrespect and flaunting of international rules and norms is why it remains outside of the G7 and why it will continue to remain out" and a spokesman for the British government said that Russia should not be readmitted to the group "unless it ceases aggressive and destabilizing activity that threatens the safety of UK citizens and the collective security of our allies. This means that we will be the host nation of the G7 Summit in the Summer of 2021. It focuses on ways of helping women in developing countries participate in economic life. The attendees included the leaders of the seven G7 member states as well as representatives of the European Union. ", "White House Moves G8 Summit From Chicago To Camp David", "Trump cancels G7 at Camp David over coronavirus, to hold videoconference instead", Video conference with G7 leaders Roundtable (16/04/20, Brussels), Trump delays 'outdated' G7 leaders' summit, Trump says G7 summit could happen in person at Camp David, Merkel rebuffs Trump invitation to G7 summit, Inside Trump's decision to delay the G7 meeting, Trump says G7 summit will be delayed until after the election, "Trump says he is inclined to host G7 meeting after the November 3 election", G7 Countries: Donald Trump wants to expand G7 to G10/11 to Include India, Australian PM accepts G7 invitation during call with Trump,, Moon accepts Trump's offer to join expanded G7, PM Modi accepts Trump invite for G-7 summit, Donald Trump offers to invite Vladimir Putin to expanded G7 summit, Donald Trump does not have the power to change G7 format: EU, "Donald 'I'm an environmentalist' Trump skips G7 climate meeting", "Climate crisis will not be discussed at G7 next year, says Trump official",, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 6 October 2020, at 13:35. [6], The summit received much attention due to a significant decline of relations of members with the United States. However, the summit has been postponed due to the COVID–19 pandemic. "[24] The European Union agreed that Russia should not be readmitted to the G7, with EU chief diplomat Josep Borrell, the High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, explaining that Trump did not have the unilateral power to change the permanent membership of the G7 or its scope: "The prerogative of the G7 chair, in this case the United States, is to issue guest invitations -- guest invitations reflect the host's priorities. [31], Political scientist Brian Klaas stated that “By attacking allies while championing Russia, Trump made the G-7 summit a disaster—but he fulfilled Vladimir Putin's biggest fantasy. Delta again grows into Category 2 hurricane as it moves toward U.S. Oct. 8 (UPI) -- Hurricane Delta has gotten stronger as it moves toward the U.S. Gulf Coast Thursday and is on track to make landfall somewhere in Louisiana, forecasters said. The US has reported more than 7.2 million positive COVID-19 cases and a death toll of over 200,000.